Example sentences of "[verb] by [adj] to be the " in BNC.

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1 His Call to the Unconverted is considered by many to be the greatest work on conversion ever written .
2 Tracker 's Aggro trucks are considered by many to be the ‘ right on ’ truck at the moment .
3 The traditional , vertical Champagne press , based on the concepts employed by Dom Pérignon , is still considered by many to be the best means of pressing grapes for the sparkling wine of Champagne .
4 It is also considered by many to be the best surviving example of a tower mill .
5 Now , some ten years later , the airfield is bulging at the seams and is considered by many to be the warbird centre of Europe .
6 I have described these studies in detail because they are considered by many to be the best evidence for sophisticated residual pattern vision after visual cortex ablation .
7 Considered by many to be the country 's leading authority on the hair and scalp , Philip Kingsley has been practising from the London Trichological Centre , 54 Green Street , London W1 , since 1960 , composing individual trichological treatments for private clients only .
8 By the 1730s he was considered by many to be the richest commoner in England , and at his death his income from landed property , coalmining , investments in government funds , and mortgage holdings was around £25,000 annually .
9 The victory of Kennett , who was not considered by many to be the state 's most able or charismatic politician , was interpreted as clear evidence of massive dissatisfaction with the ALP , which had governed the state for the last 10 years , and was alleged to have overseen serious financial mismanagement under both Kirner and her predecessor John Cain .
10 It is precisely the ‘ business culture ’ introduced and propagated by the TNCs that is considered by many to be the sine qua non for ‘ modernization ’ ( as opposed to ‘ dependency reversal ’ or radical ‘ development ’ ) in the Third World .
11 Which brings us to camp , considered by some to be the essence of the homosexual sensibility , by others , both within and without gay culture , as virtually the opposite : the quintessence of an alienated , inadequate sensibility ( above , Chapter 3 ) .
12 Its horns are lyre-shaped and it is considered by some to be the ancestor of the Guernsey .
13 In the afternoon , visit Sagaing , considered by some to be the living centre of the Buddhist faith in Burma today .
14 Of the more than fifty books to come from the press , there is no doubt that the finest was his Chaucer of 1896 , reckoned by many to be the greatest book printed in England since Caxton , of which he printed 425 copies with an additional thirteen on vellum .
15 Milton 's God was Empson 's last book , in his lifetime , though when he died he was collecting at least three others : Using Biography ( 1984 ) , on Marvell , Dryden , Fielding , Yeats , Eliot and Joyce ; Essays on Shakespeare ( 1986 ) ; and a book of Renaissance essays , as well as a massive ragbag ( as he called it ) of papers and reviews dating back to the 1920s which , when it posthumously appeared as Argufying ( 1987 ) , was rapidly seen by many to be the finest critical miscellany in the language .
16 It 's thought by many to be the most beautiful of the Cuillin corries and takes the hillwalker in among the most impressive peaks .
17 The style is thought by many to be the fastest of all karate schools .
18 A swing of 20 per cent to these , if repeated across the country , would produce an Opinion Poll Government , thought by some to be the ultimate embodiment of democratic values .
19 Examples here prove that the preferred colour was a striking red , not faded pink believed by some to be the original colour .
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