Example sentences of "[verb] that it was his [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Furious , he got up to complain to his neighbour , only to discover that it was his own dog which he had accidently shut outside before going to bed .
2 Unfortunately , in 7 BC this neat arrangement was interfered with in order to honour Augustus by renaming the month Sextilis after him ( he believed that it was his lucky month ) and assigning to it the same number of days as the preceding month that had been renamed after his murdered great-uncle by Mark Antony .
3 Then he was up and levering the round boulder free , not listening to it crash down the mountain , doubting if the attackers would hear or see — and , if they did , whether they would be persuaded that it was his own body tumbling — but it was one extra little chance that cost him only a few seconds .
4 Wright already has six this term and although statistics will show he was only second on the bill yesterday , discerning patrons will appreciate that it was his intuitive skills that lifted the depression of a scrappy first 30 minutes .
5 However , she rejected the offer to return without her husband 's remains , insisting that it was his dying wish to receive " a simple soldier 's burial " in his country of origin .
6 And one day he came across a huge seal and killed it , never knowing that it was his own father in his seal form .
7 Prince Bernhard had said no such thing , but Sharpe had decided it would be more efficacious to assign the opinion to the prince than to confess that it was his own view .
8 I took with me a very young airman from the engineering wing and I understood that it was his first flight .
9 Earlier he had been officially advised that it was his legal right to have his solicitor present ; but surprisingly Downes had taken no advantage of the offer .
10 He considered that it was his primary duty to be a divine and theologian rather than a political bishop .
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