Example sentences of "[verb] that when we [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ The situation could arise whereby we all own different bits of the same story but we will only know that when we go to one of the television networks with a proposal . ’
2 We must consider that when we look at an alternative structure for the present arrangements for meat hygiene inspection .
3 I can only stress that when we return to our dingy little squats after a hard day baiting rock gods and ignoring letters from readers , there 's nothing we like better than a long listen to Pink Floyd 's ‘ Animals ’ or Mr Oldfield 's ‘ Ommadawn ’ while soaking our horny feet in a scalding bowl of mushroom chow mein .
4 I mean that when we went to Italy , when me and our Terry went to Italy last year erm first thing in the morning we 'd , we 'd have our breakfast , then we had a wander round and then we went on beach , two or three hours in and out at the
5 ‘ You mean that when we divorce after as short a time as possible you 'll give me a lump sum ? ’ she enquired , her voice frigid .
6 I hope that when we meet on the nineteenth Alan or Paul will immediately knock all that on the head .
7 I suspect that when we inquire into the matter , we shall find that the general practitioner had doubts about the treatment 's clinical appropriateness .
8 Remember that when we talk about Religious we mean :
9 You should also note that when we talk about scale uses , this does not mean merely running up and down the scales like a machine ; scales are there to show you which notes to use , the idea being that you are supposed to make melodic phrases or lines from them .
10 We do not exclude that possibility , but we find that when we talk to local authorities that they do not have the money to buy married quarters in the first place .
11 It was assumed that when we talk of " a style " or " the style of X " we refer to what is pervasive or recurrent in a text .
12 And we 'd elaborate that when we talk about er individual districts .
13 Maybe we think that when we get to heaven , Paul and the other pioneers of the New Testament will have positions of greater honour than the members of St Leonard 's in 1992 .
14 I 'm being deliberately fanciful , but I think that when we talk about ‘ population ’ exactly the same thing happens : individual people — laughing , working , scratching their heads trying to solve this problem or that — simply disappear .
15 I 'm being deliberately fanciful , but I think that when we talk about ‘ population ’ exactly the same thing happens : individual people — laughing , working , scratching their heads trying to solve this problem or that — simply disappear .
16 I think that when we look at , I mean there 's no doubt that we have got significant and welcome , and let's not be , welcome improvements of service for this year .
17 You will recall that when we talked about the libido theory , I said that there were erm different one of the reasons why Freud had to introduce the libido theory was he wanted to get away from the narrow biological reproductive concept of sex to do with genitals and reproduction which is of course he 'd want to expand it to include psychological never seen before er or never seen before so clearly , such as erm love of the self and , and this he gave the name narcissism , well he did n't actually , somebody else invented it not long before and he took it over very quickly .
18 I have to say that when we came across any martyrs , we tended to regard them with something approaching envy .
19 I ca n't deliver these resources overnight but I can say that when we talk about building the Best Banking and Financial Services Group , we do n't simply mean the best for our shareholders .
20 Er and it may well be as Mr has suggested that when we look at it it is not a problem .
21 that 's right , and who knows that when we go into Smiths in Woking it might not be so busy
22 Do we find that when we sit in worship , often the language that preachers use , especially when they use some of the so called theological language .
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