Example sentences of "[verb] that she will [adv] [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ She writes that she will never show the photograph to anybody .
2 MARTINA NAVRATILOVA yesterday revealed that she will finally bring down the curtain on her incredible career at the end of next year .
3 She is often rejected by the Catholics , because she will not conform to their religion : the local priest says that she will immediately burn in Hell , when she dies .
4 This may be a good moment to indicate to her very gently that she has grieved well and long , and that if she is beginning to feel that her period of mourning is nearing its end ( even though you appreciate that she will always carry the scars of her sorrow ) , you are ready to give her any help she needs to adjust to her new and different life .
5 Once she realises that she will eventually get back what she 's lent , she 'll be happier to share .
6 To Emma Durham , the Treasurer , who against difficult odds kept us solvent , to Michelle O'Callaghan , the Social Secretary , whose art of mixing cocktails ensures that she will always have something to fall back on should the need arise , and to Diane Mynors , the Housechair for her ability to seek out bargains ( how many people do you know that could get 14 bottles of dishwashing liquid for 64 p .
7 Even if she is sympathetic , it does n't mean that she will automatically want to start a serious relationship with you just because she is gay .
8 Picture a teenage girl in Morocco for whom premarital loss of virginity is culturally intolerable and who faces the ‘ choice ’ , under male duress , of tolerating anal intercourse , or of submitting to vaginal penetration knowing that she will thereby have to leave home for a life of prostitution ; she may even know that both are related to acquisition of HIV .
9 I doubt that she 'll ever go upstairs again , ’ he added , going to the window and pushing aside the long red drapes .
10 One is married already , one has declared that she will never take a husband , and the third has two suitors after her as it is .
11 Lee Winters , manageress of the Corbrige Fund , is considering engaging in index arbitrage , but has discovered that she will initially receive only half of the proceeds from short selling shares , that is , f = 0.5 .
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