Example sentences of "[verb] that he could [vb infin] the " in BNC.

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1 They suggest that he could become the country 's national president in any strongly reformist administration that might emerge .
2 They suggest that he could become the country 's national president in any strongly reformist administration that might emerge from the current upheaval .
3 It pleased me immeasurably to know that he could sense the difference now , the promise of fulfilment , which would be the sweeter , it seemed to me , for having been so long deferred .
4 In 1919 he joined the staff of the London Homoeopathic Hospital as pathologist and bacteriologist , and found that he could use the homoeopathic method of potentization to prepare his vaccines which he was then able to give by mouth instead of by injection .
5 He rang Davidson to confirm that he could make the eight a. m. appointment .
6 It was won because Labour was the party of high taxation , because the Conservative Party presented an alternative , and because most electors neither admired Mr Kinnock nor believed that he could deliver the promises that he was making .
7 They wo n't accept with Charles Wychwood that ‘ everything is copied ’ , and wo n't accept his opinion of Chatterton : ‘ Thomas Chatterton believed that he could explain the entire material and spiritual world in terms of imitation and forgery , and so sure was he of his own genius that he allowed it to flourish under other names . ’
8 The deceased added that he could sign the document anywhere .
9 It was said that he could estimate the structure of the whole creature from just a single bone .
10 He noticed that he could predict the direction to the food source form the dance .
11 Vesman developed this and showed that he could explain the temperature dependence of muon + dd fusion if there is a rather loosely bound state in a complex molecular system involving three deuterons where the nuclei were encircled partly by electrons and partly by muons .
12 Eighteen years later Jean Genet commented that he could see the revolution could n't work after a visit to the Odeon , occupied by students and workers .
13 I 've also heard Councillor er being , er er quoted in the press , as saying that he could find the money for capital schemes .
14 Adam Swannson , the senior partner of the haulage firm , confirmed these deliveries would be made on time , provided that he could subcontract the Belfast delivery .
15 Mingled with the brimstone smell of burned powder he fancied that he could smell the perfume of roses from the Residency garden , pruned this year by musket fire .
16 The amnesty is particularly good news for Houghton , who picked up his second yellow card of the qualifying tournament in Malta last month and feared that he could miss the opening game in Italy .
17 The amnesty is particularly good news for Houghton , who picked up his second yellow card of the qualifying tournament in Malta last month and feared that he could miss the opening game in Italy .
18 Buster felt that he could make the vehicle — which was a very dismal thing to look at — a real sort of Bonny and Clyde affair .
19 We thus had a perfect relationship : each of us felt that he could patronize the other .
20 The bacon-curing business was for sale for £l00,000 so assuming that he could finance the remainder he engaged an accountant to check over the books of the existing business and report back to him .
21 Even Denis Healey knew that he could make the pips squeak only after the mortgage has been paid .
22 And now , for the first time , he thought that he could smell the North Sea , that potent but half-illusory tang evoking nostalgic memories of childhood holidays , of solitary adolescent walks as he struggled with his first poems , of his aunt 's tall figure at his side , binoculars round her neck , striding towards the haunts of her beloved birds .
23 Through the beating of the rain he thought that he could hear the Eel , feet scrabbling on the gravel path .
24 He did not expect that he would have to go to war over the Holy Places , but if he was called upon to do so , he thought that he could produce the men , guns and money he would need for victory .
25 Mr Lawson 's mistake was that when formal monetary targeting broke down because of the impossibility of finding any measure of money which bore an accurate relationship with nominal demand , he thought that he could use the exchange rate as an informal target .
26 It would be miles yet , probably another day of travelling , before they reached safer country , and even if fitzAlan stubbornly insisted that he could travel the horse would n't go forever .
27 Anyway , Jacob said that he could do the job better and more quickly if he paced himself by singing a lively hymn called ‘ Keep in Step with the Master ’ .
28 Huy wished that he could unravel the message in his eyes Might there have been a challenge there ?
29 And when she returned he would imagine that he could see the glow of the skin , the satisfied smile of remembered happiness , could almost smell that she had been making love .
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