Example sentences of "[verb] that he [be] [adv] [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 Rincewind found that he was now hanging onto the end of a tongue of bark and fibre , lengthening as it peeled away from the tree .
2 And she began to laugh , her temper draining away , and for the first time she realised that he was frequently doing something which no one else had ever succeeded in doing before — he was defusing her rage .
3 Bobo was reaching out with her begging gesture again , and he realised that he was still holding the bananas .
4 She realised that he was still speaking , and she answered vaguely , ‘ Do ?
5 ‘ I 'm insulted that he 's even talking about me on the tape — and I 'm sure the other players he 's mentioned feel the same .
6 He laughed , but she was pleased to see that he was fast becoming his normal self , this unwonted display of humility being hidden , perhaps only ever to be shown again to someone as close as her .
7 She turned her attention to his injury , relieved to see that he was now losing very little blood , and that although the area about the wound was reddened and irritated the edges of the gash where the arrow had entered were not jagged , which would have delayed healing .
8 He finally admitted that he was simply falling asleep as he walked along .
9 Mr Wilson added that he was still pursuing the wider issues of the case until it became apparent whether the case of Ian X was unique .
10 Jim added that he was personally looking forward to offering the revised series in Tayside later in the session .
11 The liquidator , Chris Ashurst of Brighton-based Neville Russell , says that he is still looking for a missing £1m of stock and is keen to hear from anyone who bought OCT machines from anywhere other than the London direct-sales team , or the liquidators ' auction held in Bristol .
12 But Mr Soden says that he was only trying to look after his family .
13 He says that he was only pretending to go
14 Dr Jaffery rustled around the room , picking up books and looking behind cushions for his mosque cap before remembering that he was already wearing it .
15 He is ill , and I hope that he is now improving .
16 If the pilot then rolls out of the turn to fly straight and level he may feel that he is now turning in the opposite direction , and compensatory eye movements which involuntarily accompany such a feeling may blur vision and make attitude checking difficult , with possible disorientation and loss of aircraft control .
17 Nor did the Flemings feel that he was really supporting them ; he had appeared to be using them for his own ends .
18 Madame Butterfly , he thought , for he had sneaked a glance at the soldier opposite and seen that he was now weeping , the letter crumpled in his fist , scrunching apple blossom .
19 Huy assumed that he was still working on it .
20 If Ramsbum had been a human being Amiss might have suspected that he was seriously feeling grief .
21 Then she noticed that he was also soaking wet .
22 ‘ He was told in writing that he was only going to be narrating for five minutes of the video , which is not what happened .
23 His use of the ominous word ‘ precious ’ in The Fellowship of the Ring ( p. 266 ) had been quite enough to suggest that he was already becoming ‘ addicted ’ , that his death was in a way a mercy .
24 THE LIDs OVER the cannons ' eyes slid open as the pirogues approached ; the watch would have thought that he was only imagining the narrow prows breaking the black water , but the order had been given , ‘ Full alert ’ , and so the English sailor trusted his eyes and raised the alarm .
25 Not only was Marx willing to accept that historical development might have followed several different lines in different places but it also shows that he was always revising his ideas .
26 Could n't he see that he was just organizing her even more ?
27 All the same , it was flattering to be chosen to spend the evening with him , and she could see that he was visibly beginning to relax with her , which was nice — a sort of compliment .
28 My legs were shaking , I could see that he was nearly bursting with excitement at having something to tell me that I did n't already know .
29 Could n't they see that he was simply dying for want of a word from Kee , that not seeing her or being able to write or talk to her was killing him , and that nothing else mattered ?
30 ‘ Naturally , but I could see that he was merely dismissing them as the ravings of an hysterical woman .
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