Example sentences of "[verb] that i [vb past] [verb] a " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I 'm sure you do , but Kitty must n't ever know that I 'd had a hand in it . ’
2 My canoe had turned side on to the river and against the flow and as I turned to see what the noise was I realised that I had hit a log sticking out of the water .
3 I realized that I had made a mistake : the no boundary condition implied that disorder would in fact continue to increase during the contraction .
4 Even Stella , McIllvanney 's long-suffering secretary , had taken the day off , leaving the office locked , which meant I had to walk into town to find a public telephone from which I called the Bahamian Police and told them about Hirondelle , and added that I had rescued a chart and a handful of cartridges from the stricken boat .
5 I had decided that I had to have a partial confidant at the school .
6 And when I got Dawn , I did sense that I had formed an almost human relationship with her .
7 There 's a poster up in erm , and these two people that are drug addicts , and said like , did you see that I 'd drawn a pair of ears on one of them , turned around and seen Shane and he 's like his mate was the other one , were n't it ?
8 When I dared to go to the scales I discovered that I had lost a further ten pounds in five days .
9 As the years passed I discovered that I had developed a special school ‘ personality ’ which was a distortion of myself .
10 I discovered that I had become a ‘ character ’ and was fast becoming a caricature of myself .
11 My ex-wife would go around telling extraordinary stories about me to people , and I discovered that I 'd lost a lot of friends .
12 People would obviously conclude that I had died a coward .
13 So anyway , before I heard that I 'd got an appointment at the Clinic , I got caught for one burglary and so I told them about the rest , 'cos I wanted to get off it an ’ I knew that was the only way of getting off it and I thought , now I 've been caught , I might as well get meself stuck down for a bit , like , rather than get a big fine which I wouldn'a been able to handle at that time … .
14 Not surprisingly I have never heard from any of them since , although I felt that I had made a number of new and lasting Russian friendships that night .
15 I should mention that I had bought a few items of clothing that morning , before the trial began .
16 Driving to a knitting meeting with Bryan our Club President , I happened to mention that I had acquired an old Empisal 100 for knitting thicker yarns and slub cottons .
17 On the day I left Woodline you knew that I 'd made an enormous mistake , yet you — ’
18 I stood there in the dark and the rain , and knew that I had created a monster .
19 I thought that I 'd created a new directory but I did n't .
20 I thought , I 'd like him to think that I 'd improved a little bit .
21 I began to think that I had found a friend , and I answered him at once .
22 They said that I had torn a policeman 's tunic .
23 Mime is such a male dominated art form that I decided to develop a women 's group , to encourage more black women into mime .
24 ‘ Or would I start screaming that I 'd left a soufflé in the oven , or forgotten to get the coat back from the cleaners , or I was too young to die … ’
25 I needed to be reassured that I had reached a hospitable culture …
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