Example sentences of "[verb] that [subord] we [verb] in " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Role theory ’ says that where we arrive in society shapes our lives .
2 I often think that if we dressed in old Barbours and flat caps we would n't create so much antipathy .
3 It may seem that if we succeed in adapting our values to such disturbances instead of losing them altogether , it is because we still retain some vestige of a Christian and liberal moral tradition a memory of ‘ Do unto others … ’ at the roots of social habit , which saves us from the collapse into competing egoisms into which deepening conflicts are perpetually driving us .
4 Editors might argue that because we live in a highly competitive world in which authors , readers , and advertisers can all go elsewhere with ease we are already sufficiently accountable .
5 Do we find that when we sit in worship , often the language that preachers use , especially when they use some of the so called theological language .
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