Example sentences of "[verb] that [subord] we [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ The situation could arise whereby we all own different bits of the same story but we will only know that when we go to one of the television networks with a proposal . ’
2 Whilst we realise that if we belong to a national organisation , there will be some additional cost to individual Institutes .
3 We must consider that when we look at an alternative structure for the present arrangements for meat hygiene inspection .
4 I can only stress that when we return to our dingy little squats after a hard day baiting rock gods and ignoring letters from readers , there 's nothing we like better than a long listen to Pink Floyd 's ‘ Animals ’ or Mr Oldfield 's ‘ Ommadawn ’ while soaking our horny feet in a scalding bowl of mushroom chow mein .
5 I mean that when we went to Italy , when me and our Terry went to Italy last year erm first thing in the morning we 'd , we 'd have our breakfast , then we had a wander round and then we went on beach , two or three hours in and out at the
6 ‘ You mean that when we divorce after as short a time as possible you 'll give me a lump sum ? ’ she enquired , her voice frigid .
7 ‘ Role theory ’ says that where we arrive in society shapes our lives .
8 I hope that when we meet on the nineteenth Alan or Paul will immediately knock all that on the head .
9 Figure 3.1 shows that if we go to bed at the ‘ normal ’ time we sleep about eight hours , a result that most of us would accept as part of our daily experience .
10 As I understand our obligations in Europe and in GATT , even if restriction was a good idea — and we could debate that if we had to — that will not happen again .
11 I suspect that when we inquire into the matter , we shall find that the general practitioner had doubts about the treatment 's clinical appropriateness .
12 Erm as I digest Mr 's comments and the various implications erm of the things that he said , it 's more and more confirming for me that perhaps we may well be right in the step by step measured approach because quite clearly erm I suspect that if we run at this stage a preferred location , erm I suspect that the the opposition to that and there would be opposition to it , may well have may well prejudice the principle er of the new settlement .
13 In fact , we know that if we get into a confined space with the intention of defying gravity we are running a risk and have decided to tolerate it .
14 Well here we 've got an onshore wind , that 's perfect , because we know that if we get into trouble just get blown back ashore .
15 I know that if we speak of the ‘ rhythm guitarist ’ as such , the image of a second-rate underdog player springs instantly into view , playing a tiresome , subordinate role to a far more experienced ( and inexcusably vain ) lead player .
16 This morning the British Ambassador in Berlin handed the German Government a final note stating that unless we heard from them by eleven o'clock that they were prepared at once to withdraw their troops from Poland , a state of war would exist between us .
17 Can I say that we are now organising quite tightly the business of street collections , and I think if committee are minded to reduce the number of collections that we allow , we should decide that before we come to this meeting , because I think it 's very difficult in practical terms to do it at this stage , and therefore I would suggest that we do agree twenty-one , not withstanding what Graham said , we can take on board some of what he said , and maybe the month before we are asked to take this decision , we have an item on the agenda where we discuss the principle before we get down to the practicalities .
18 Remember that when we talk about Religious we mean :
19 You should also note that when we talk about scale uses , this does not mean merely running up and down the scales like a machine ; scales are there to show you which notes to use , the idea being that you are supposed to make melodic phrases or lines from them .
20 ‘ I believe that if we deal with both of these subjects in one such conference we risk overloading the boat . ’
21 We do not exclude that possibility , but we find that when we talk to local authorities that they do not have the money to buy married quarters in the first place .
22 Erm that has been a matter of serious discussion here and I know with some of the local authorities , and the fact of the matter is sir that we feel that if we look at the agricultural land quality of this county , if you were to have a criteria based policy which included the requirement that strategic sites should avoid good quality agricultural land erm you have n't got a policy at all because this is a county which has mostly its territory covered by good quality agricultural land especially in those parts of this county where strategic development might be expected to actually happen .
23 This year we 've restricted it to primary , partly because we felt that 's where the enthusiasm was , and partly , if people wo n't mind me saying so , to keep out the computer science specialists — we felt that , you know , we did n't want a club for boffins or for the experts , we wanted a club and we felt that if we started at the primary end , where there was n't a lot of expertise , we would probably be of more use .
24 It was assumed that when we talk of " a style " or " the style of X " we refer to what is pervasive or recurrent in a text .
25 Not surprisingly , they argue that if we persist with the established electoral system then we will continue with the problems of government which they identify .
26 They both knew that as we walked off the 16th .
27 I even knew that if we talked about her past and all her life I might begin to like her , but I was thinking of a different countryside and different cattle and worrying about the oxen who ploughed the fields and turned the water wheels .
28 The trouble is , Masklin thought that once we got outside the Store we 'd all be digging and building and hunting and facing the future with strong chins and bright smiles .
29 And we 'd elaborate that when we talk about er individual districts .
30 Mr Mayor on on a point of order Mr Mayor er standing order sixty two refers explicitly to community charge or the poll tax , I think that before we move into this debate we should amend that so that it does refer to the council tax which is what we will be debating .
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