Example sentences of "[verb] that [noun prp] have [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Well , I did n't know that Ebert had arranged for us to stay in a singsong house .
2 You may like to know that CPRW has worked through Wales Wildlife and Countryside Link ( to which WWF UK provides grant aid ) to take up the threat to SSSIs with the Countryside Council for Wales .
3 It is a wonderful comfort to know that Jesus has entered into our dying and will deliver us from it .
4 Conscious that she must make the most of these last weeks , and grateful for all the happiness and love which she had enjoyed in childhood , she was nevertheless eager for the days to pass and for the news to come that João had arrived from Lisbon to collect his bride .
5 However , Joe underlined that LASMO has embarked upon a strategy aimed at strengthening the group 's financial position to create capacity for future investment in exploration and development opportunities worldwide .
6 That was the end of the entry , but I was able to discover that Luiza had died in the municipal hospital of Bom Jesus and was buried in a pauper 's coffin in an unmarked grave wrapped only in a hospital sheet .
7 You can er adjust the lights , say that Mark 's got in the back
8 Publicly they say that ITV have acted within their contract , which was agreed by all 92 clubs .
9 There are some unavoidable costs er on that account , particularly on the engine programme where delays to the aircraft programme which result in extra costs on the engine side , are the customer 's liability , erm but the main increase in cost is actually in the equipment area and results I think , from the fact that the equipment prices turned out to be higher than was originally estimated at the start of the programme and also the fact that U K industry won a higher work share on equipment that we had originally been entitled to and budgeted for and lastly the point you mentioned that Germany has withdrawn from some parts of the requirement and that made certain equipments non-common and we have had to take a larger share of the costs of those equipments than originally planned .
10 Erm , but the main increase in cost is actually in the equipment area and results I think from the fact that the equipment prices turned out to be higher than was originally estimated at the start of the programme and also the fact that U K industry won a higher work share on equipment than we had originally been entitled to and budgeted for and lastly the point you mentioned that Germany has withdrawn from some parts of the requirement and that made certain equipments non common and we have had to take a larger share of the cost of those equipments than originally planned .
11 It was also reported that May had spoken to neighbours about her fear of being attacked .
12 After hearing several witnesses , including Aviv and the Observer 's reporter John Merritt , who had interviewed him in November 1989 , Magistrate Judge Ross found that Aviv had divulged at least part of his report to Merritt and had thereby waived work-product protection .
13 On Dec. 18 a judge found that Bush had engaged in unsound business practices and recommended that a " cease and desist " order should be issued against him , restricting his future involvement in the banking sector .
14 The New York Times of Aug. 14 reported that Iraq had transferred between US$3,000 million and $5,000 million in gold , foreign currency and goods from Kuwait and that this had significantly increased Iraq 's financial reserves which had stood at an estimated US$6,500 million before the invasion .
15 And , after having raised the subject , he was now trying to shift the emphasis away from himself by suggesting that Merrill had behaved in an unnecessarily mysterious fashion .
16 ‘ I love it here , ’ she said enthusiastically , seeing that Lucenzo had relaxed to some extent and was actually exchanging a few pleasantries with one or two people .
17 Kuwait 's Oil Minister Hamud Abdullah al Raqaba disclosed that Kuwait had asked for an 800,000 bpd oil loan from the Gulf Co-Operation Council ( GCC ) , worth US$14,000,000 a day , to help meet reconstruction costs incurred by the Iraqi invasion of August 1990 [ see pp. 37631-41 ] .
18 I was touched to see that Dei had changed from his working overalls for the operation , although he would have to change straight back again after completing it .
19 Ten years later , the Imperium registered that Karkason had lapsed into heresy .
20 On Dec. 15 the Iraqi News Agency ( INA ) announced that Iraq had called off the Bush-Aziz talks .
21 On February 29th , it will be recalled that Falkenhayn had agreed to a spreading of the offensive , to ‘ clear ’ the Left Bank , and had allocated some of his jealously guarded reserves for the purpose .
22 Aleksandr Nikitenko believed that Valuev had embarked on " an enormous plan … to destroy any tendencies in literature which he considers harmful " .
23 It was revealed that Prokofiev had called for a central committee plenum to be held on Aug. 20 to remove Gorbachev as general secretary .
24 On the very Sunday that the new church opened we looked in vain for the empty seats in St Luke 's : it seemed that God had given to us at the mother church a new group of people who had either moved into the area or who were to be converted and we saw the truth of the saying : ‘ Give and it will be given to you , pressed down and running over . ’
25 From the depths of my patchy education , I recalled that Shelley had drowned in a storm on a lake .
26 Raymond Allen recalled that Crawford had flown to the Isle of Wight several times while they were planning the series .
27 She learnt that Gamal had gone with some friends to an island off the coast of Florida , so she told the person who answered the telephone to get hold of him immediately at any cost and tell him to call his mother on a matter of the greatest urgency .
28 His landlady had said that Drew had returned in a dishevelled state about 1.00am from the opposite direction from the theatre .
29 I completed another tour of the mill and cottage , this time with Nigel in tow , trying to sound as objective as I could , as if I , too , saw mere possibilities , but as our tour progressed I could see that Nigel had warmed to it almost as much as I. He pointed out some ‘ interesting features ’ that I had missed , such as some of the wooden working parts of the mill machinery set high in the plastered walls , and told me what they had originally been used for .
30 To understand Henry 's response , the reader must see that Henry has focused on Caleb 's mention of ‘ fires ’ , must see that Henry infers at once that the train is due , and must grasp the importance of the speaking verb .
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