Example sentences of "[verb] that [pers pn] might be [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Inwardly praying that she might be able to show her piety and understanding , she said , ‘ Yes , I 'm sure it must mean a lot to you .
2 ‘ Now dear , ’ said Mum ‘ Your brother asked for the salt and I suggest that it might be polite if you were to do what he asked . ’
3 We suggest that it might be possible to evolve new viral tropisms ( see below ) using repertoires of antibody fragments or peptide sequences displayed on the virus , with cycles of infection and selection .
4 There are even rare cases when the employer accepts that you might be innocent and yet is entitled to dismiss you .
5 Kulsrud has calculated that it might be possible to increase the reaction rate by as much as 50 per cent .
6 Emile Littler was a much younger producer of rival pantomimes ; feeling more than a little disloyal , Mr Smith wrote to him in desperation suggesting that he might be interested in his dancers .
7 In light of this , it is perhaps worthwhile noting that we have demonstrated recently that the DNA-PK requires DNA breaks in order to become activated efficiently in vitro , suggesting that it might be involved in mediating a response to DNA damage ( 11 ) .
8 When the British government sold its last stake in BP in 1987 , the oil firm realised that it might be vulnerable to a bid , so it began to strip itself .
9 Presumably you also believed that it might be possible to negotiate some form of multilateral disarmament in the region ?
10 My discussions show that it might be possible substantially to improve the way in which our debates are held .
11 Although some of the West 's Arab partners have hinted that they might be able to live with this and that a settlement of the Arab-Israeli dispute and the Palestinian issue is no longer at the top of the Arab agenda , this is unlikely to hold true for long .
12 He had hinted that it might be kind to pass the empty bottle of Scotch over when he 'd drunk it .
13 I hope that you might be able to continue to help our patients in this manner . ’
14 And also you 've got to remember that it might be OK for Jamaican or West Indian or African women to be bigger when they 're older , but most of them were slim when they were young .
15 Er I very much hope so er that my Noble Friend will recognise what does seem to be the prevailing view in this House on , on your all quarters and all parties and er and will indicate that on most of the points of controversy , not just the but most of them , the Government is prepared to think again , he may even feel that it might be prudent to defer further consideration of the committee stage of this Bill er after today 's sitting er er for a little time and when discussions could and should take place between those who hold different views and er his own very considerable power conciliation er could be used .
16 For a while it seemed that she might be right .
17 It seemed that it might be possible to relate the variation in the polymorphism to slug density in the Henfaes field .
18 And , while her heart raced that there was a hint in what he 'd just said that he might be prepared to sightsee with her that afternoon , ‘ You must be parched ! ’ she apologised .
19 One reason is that the commercial transaction test seems to go too far ; many transactions which will be generally regarded as perfectly legitimate forms of investment , are entered into solely , or at least predominantly , for tax reasons , and I think it would be wrong to suggest that they might be taxable for that reason alone .
20 If some project comes up during the course of the year , I would have thought that it might be appropriate to erm er cobble the name of centenary onto it , but I do n't really think that this year we just commit ourselves to something just because there 's a hundred years of parish government coming up .
21 I had foolishly allowed myself to imagine that you might be interested in me as a person , even to the extent of being a little jealous of Lieutenant Lapointe .
22 ( Indeed , some Soviet planners have speculated that it might be advantageous to license Western factories to produce Soviet equipment which would then be exported to the USSR . )
23 Bob was always evasive about Tessa , which made Jannie suspect that he might be serious about her .
24 Worst of all , he was beginning to suspect that it might be true .
25 Which would suggest that it might be rash to release Mr Sisulu , who has been secretary general of the ANC since 1949 , at this stage .
26 By the mid 1960s , only four per cent were reporting that they might be willing once again to vote for someone like Hitler .
27 I said if yo if you think you know that you might be able to build a relationship I said then er you know , tell her so I said and do n't try and run the both of them at the same time I said
28 Frankie could not be one of them , yet he feared in his hear that it might be true , because when she called him ‘ Nigger ’ it wounded him in a special way he did not really understand .
29 He knew what I was looking for ; and he indicated that he might be able to help .
30 He dreaded that it might be unforgivable .
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