Example sentences of "[verb] that [pers pn] [vb mod] have [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 The controversy over Dow Corning 's role in introducing silicone breast implants increased in January when some US newspapers , including the Wall Street Journal , published summaries of internal documents and claimed that they suggest that it may have rushed the product through without adequate testing .
2 More important , the Theatre Royal ( 1836–7 ) and the Grey column ( 1837–8 ) in Newcastle , stately neo-classical structures which were key elements in the heroic replanning of the city centre by Richard Grainger [ q.v. ] , were evidently also his conceptions , and suggest that he might have become a more significant figure in his own right had he not died relatively young , surviving his father by a mere six years .
3 But even if he had given me a direct answer , I do n't know that I would have believed him .
4 By now most readers will know that I will have left Woodworker as you read this , and indeed by now the editor 's chair supports the capable frame of Zach Taylor .
5 After hearing a terrible denunciation of practices in which he had willingly taken part in the past , we might have expected that he would have wished to have further clarifications before he left Rome , or that some plan of action would have been agreed .
6 I expect that I should have burst into tears .
7 ‘ I can walk , ’ she began , and might have added that she would have enjoyed to do that — had she got the chance .
8 Looking back I am increasingly grateful to the many people who took a share in this fortunate happening , though now I realise that I might have expressed my gratitude to them more often and more appreciatively .
9 The most upsetting thing for me has been to see her medical notes and realise that she could have got the right treatment at home … that is if her country was n't being torn apart by war
10 Twelve such operations later , you have your year 's month headings entered , and only then realise that you should have started not at cell A1 ( the top left hand corner of any spreadsheet ) , but in a bit and down a bit — you have to put row headings in as well .
11 Team leaders often say that they could have gone faster on their own .
12 If he 'd broken her arm , she doubted that it would have altered his tone or his attitude in any way .
13 Fortunately the rain held off , but walking with Ven , his knowledge of the area seemingly limitless , Fabia doubted that it would have bothered her all that much had the heavens opened .
14 She had been dismayed to find that he must have made enquiries in Helmsley and tracked her down , but she 'd become a much more confident and secure woman since the early days of her marriage .
15 Do you consider that I may have committed a disciplinary offence ?
16 The teller then offered to accept their count , but the Zuwaya objected that he might have stolen more than a hundred votes .
17 The walls were lined with layers of raincoats of a uniform dun , as though their colours had run together ; they went back years — some had even belonged to her father and were so stiff and cracked that they could have stood unsupported .
18 He did n't actually talk about it to me — I suppose he knows me well enough to guess that I 'd have dug in my heels .
19 She had n't thought about how much of her hour remained , until bells started ringing , and she realized that they must have gone for her .
20 She realized that she might have made the same mistake as Joan Durbeyfield .
21 The men collect it and know that of the children doing it , you would think that they 'd have noticed over the years , that at the end of each month it says , on the readers ' list it says children and I think that
22 With regard to the need for direct and close contact , I do not think that we could have had a clearer example of that than the visit of President Yeltsin and the very straight talking between my right hon. Friend the Prime Minister and the president .
23 ‘ Although I must say , Julie , ’ she added , throwing her briefcase down on to a nearby chair , ‘ I do think that you might have given me the ‘ Gypsy 's Warning ’ before I left for work today ! ’
24 Though Eliot did not like Lindsay 's work , he did think that it might have paved the way for better things .
25 You do n't think that I would have left you alone , down here , if I had n't known that you were all well and happy , do you ?
26 She thinks that we may have sent her too many book tokens , ‘ but ca n't check .
27 But evidence really amounts to no more than expression of the opinion by a particular practitioner of what he thinks that he would have done if he had been paid hypothetically without the benefit of hindsight the position of the defendant , with a little while the evidence of the witness is due , what in the matter of law the solicitor 's duty was in the particular circumstances of the case , I should have thought , being a solicitor the very question which the functions , to decide .
28 Two of her books were educational , suggesting that she may have worked as a teacher .
29 He was about to return the compliment by suggesting that she might have lost a little weight when she leaned across and helped herself to another jam tart .
30 Almost immediately , Juliet realised that she would have done the same , if she 'd felt desperate .
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