Example sentences of "[verb] that [pers pn] [vb mod] [vb infin] a " in BNC.

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1 However , these same life cycles also suggest that they may have a different nature from the larger ovals .
2 The symbolic function of the different styles present in the built environment which is the context for everyday action suggest that they might fuel an apparently active and sustained debate between suburban individualism and inner city communalism .
3 So I went upstairs and proposed that we should do a house-to-house on those two areas .
4 Did you know that you can stop a train four times for the price of a seat change ?
5 If I come to you at three months with a P T A tumour , that 's grade one or two , how long would you be er willing to accept that I should have a recurrence before you treat it ?
6 READERS might like to know that they can play a part in choosing the UK ‘ People of the Year ’ .
7 It is extremely gratifying to know that we will have a knowledgeable and committed environmentalist in the House of Lords on whom we can rely for help whenever the need arises .
8 ‘ I 've seen him play often enough to know that he will do a good job for us . ’
9 I like to know that I can paint a hand or fingernail in great detail , almost photographically in contrast to areas of detail .
10 Such ‘ notepad ’ machines are currently being introduced into the market , and it is expected that they will become an effective alternative to keyboards in applications where handwriting will prevail .
11 He was told that as he and his wife had been separated 15 months it was to be expected that she would find a new partner .
12 In February 1991 he had moved from Palermo to Rome in order to become director-general of penal affairs in the Justice Ministry , and it had been widely expected that he might head a new judicial body which was to be created as part of a fresh anti-Mafia drive .
13 After all , it was expected that he would become a priest , like James .
14 Since the student is describing a series of very simple events which he has just been watching , it might be expected that he would produce a highly fluent and error-free description with no hesitations .
15 The workforce at France 's most successful car manufacturer has rejected an earlier management offer of a 1.5 per cent pay rise and , in the face of what is widely seen here as management intransigence , the government reluctantly got involved in the private sector dispute yesterday evening , announcing that it would appoint an official conciliator .
16 Later , Koffigoh appeared on national television , saying that he had surrendered to avoid further bloodshed and announcing that he would form a government of national unity .
17 The Chief Constable of the RUC added confusion to the parades policy by announcing that he would permit an Orange church parade on the Sunday before the Twelfth to pass through the Tunnel because it would be a ‘ peaceful , dignified , church parade ’ but insisted that the Twelfth march had to be re-routed .
18 Meanwhile , an attempt by France on April 2 to persuade the UN Security Council to adopt a resolution to provide protection for the Kurds , ended in failure after opposition from China , the Soviet Union and the USA , which maintained that it would set a precedent for Security Council involvement in internal controversies .
19 This being the case , provided patients realise that they may experience a bowel frequency of seven in 24 hours ( usually five stools in the day and one night time evacuation ) , the operation has unquestionably improved the wellbeing of most patients .
20 Get in contact with your lender as soon as you realise that you may have a problem meeting the repayments and continue to pay monthly as much as you can afford .
21 You realise that you could cause a strike
22 The playgroup leasers support this petition and say that they would have a valuable role preparing the children for nursery education , feeling that the children at four plus need more than the s playgroup can offer .
23 But music types in Manhattan and Hollywood say that they can see a country act as plain as a barn door .
24 You will understand when I say that I should like a poem to stand as preface to your book , a poem which we have both admired so much , Thomas Hardy 's ‘ Afterwards ’ .
25 I acknowledge that we must have an eye to the international experience , and our work internationally is to try to ensure that other countries , too , put up their premiums in a way that sensibly recognises the problems of such cover throughout the world .
26 In your aerobic walking record we mentioned that you should make a note of conditions about the route .
27 An omnibus awaited us , and we got ourselves and our luggage stowed therein or thereon ; but a place in the hotel omnibus does not guarantee that you will find a corner in the house .
28 I had resolved that I would try an alliance with him , persuading him not to create a female creature and helping him to hunt down and exterminate the creature already at large in the world .
29 One week before attending the special clinic , Jonathan had noticed some staining of his underpants and on examining his penis , not a thing he was in the habit of doing , he found that he could express a little clear mucoid discharge from it .
30 He found that he could make a speech — that is , he could think on his feet , and not be at a loss for words .
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