Example sentences of "[verb] that [pers pn] [adv] [verb] that " in BNC.

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1 The burden of proof is shifted on to the defendant and although the prosecution does not need to prove that the accused intended that the impression be false and misleading , the defendant may need to establish that he reasonably believed that it would not be so .
2 It is claimed that we now know that the world operates in accordance with laws , and so we do not need to bring God in to explain things .
3 I think the way it should be tackled is speak to about it , say that we still believe that y'know it ca n't go on forever obviously it ca n't go on forever because I think the longer it goes on the worse it 'll become in all honesty
4 By concession , rental income from surplus business accommodation is taxed under Sch D , Case I rather than Sch A. The Inland Revenue has commented that it normally accepts that current account and trade interest qualify for relief under s 393(8) , ICTA 1988 , as , under certain circumstances , will interest from the temporary lodgement of part of the current working capital in a bank deposit account .
5 Stated in these simple terms , the anti-cruelty position 's most obvious weakness is that it assumes that we already know that trapping wild animals is justified , if only it is done ‘ as humanely as possible ’ .
6 In the letter quoted above Wordsworth reiterated that he never said that God is Nature , or that Nature and God are the same ; what he ( and Hopkins ) stressed was ‘ the indwelling spirit ’ .
7 Having said that I also think that Wilko should try out some other partnerships … maybe depending upon the opposition … like White/Forrester , Strandli/Forrester etc .
8 AI stated that it strongly feared that the refugee population would be at risk of certain torture , ‘ disappearance ’ or execution if returned to Iraqi Government control .
9 In his resignation letter , Sir Geoffrey noted the growing difference which had emerged between himself and the Prime Minister on the increasingly important issue of Britain 's role in Europe , and especially on monetary policy , and stated that he now felt that he could no longer serve with honour as a member of her government .
10 And what it actually means if you see them like that it actually means that there are two beats in a bar and they 're dotted beats
11 According to my sample of Hull University students , the dreams of Joseph , the Magi , and so on may have been literally true ( according to over half of those questioned ) , but it seems that it would be naive to conclude that they really believe that communications of this sort are still " possible " — that is , presumably they happened in the Bible by some unique divine intervention which will never be repeated .
12 He indicated that he still hoped that Mozart would be offered the post of organist there and hinted at some of the intrigue surrounding the appointment .
13 The International Herald Tribune of Jan. 22 quoted US administration officials as saying that they strongly suspected that Israel had supplied cluster bombs to the Ethiopian Air Force .
14 Richard looked anxious , and Nenna saw that he really thought that he was becoming difficult to understand .
15 Rolle stresses at the beginning the joy which is the obverse of the discipline : But although it is characteristic of Rolle 's writing to stress the joy of the contemplative , it would be a mistake to suppose that he ever suggests that the passage to it is easy : At the very start he warns against the specific danger attendant on solitary life — hallucination ; a point to remember when considering the arguments of those who tend to be distrustful of Rolle 's theology .
16 It follows that it also ensures that there is no possibility of the cylinder exploding due to pressure or overheating .
17 It is expecting a great deal of the courts to ask them to review the operational judgment of a chief of police who indicates that he reasonably believes that his forces are insufficient to prevent serious public disorder or serious damage to property .
18 Well that means that I personally believe that the problems which many small village schools face are different problems to which many large urban schools face
19 In answer to this the respondents who were in favour of this clause and its enforcement said that they now deemed that the sale agreements were null and void and they began to sell another brand of petrol at both garages .
20 I asked her how she knew and she just said that she always thought that it was obvious .
21 She congratulated me on eschewing the filth and violence that at that time were almost necessary to sell a book ( as my publisher told me ) , and said that she almost felt that she might have written it herself .
22 It is not , of course , enough for the landlord to say that he honestly believes that the house is fit and proper for safe habitation .
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