Example sentences of "[verb] that [conj] i [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 although having said that I 'll know that if I do well its mine , its in my own , own work , which I think is probably better because when it comes to it you do n't get any help on the day do ya ?
2 And , of course , I realise that when I bring forward proposals they will have to be judged on their merits .
3 As he prepares to defend his reputation as well as what is inaccurately described as his undisputed world heavyweight title here tomorrow night against Riddick Bowe , he says : ‘ I realise that if I do n't win , I 'll be remembered as a bum . ’
4 ‘ Oh you say that but I know better .
5 I found that if I settled down to the tape and the life of Apricot Smith , I became quite comfortable .
6 Starting each hymn on the right note was a great problem for most of us , but I found that if I did not think too deeply about this but started off almost instinctively I generally hit something like the right note , thanks to my years as a choir boy in Maidenhead .
7 After an hour I realized that if I did n't go after her , I 'd never be a man . ’
8 ‘ You must not think that because I live simply here I am poor .
9 ‘ Do you think that if I said please very nicely like that your mãe might give me a drink , too ? ’
10 ‘ I realised that if I did n't do something really quickly perhaps I would n't be able to .
11 ‘ I ca n't answer that because I do n't know . ’
12 We can not sell the property in Kent to Mr Cooper as we had hoped and I fear that unless I go down there myself the business will languish .
13 If we if they were n't as quick as you are like that working that out what you could try is say well I 've given them one each there 's the four people one two three four right you 've all got a whole one so you can start eating that while I sort out how I 'm gon na share this out .
14 His uncertainty principle ( discussed in detail in Chapter 5 ) says that if I know where an electron is I have no idea of what it is doing and , conversely , if I know what it is doing I do not know where it is .
15 He said I ca n't I 'm here on my own , he said get a cab and I 'll give you the money back , so anyway I rung Pauline 's husband up Steve and he said I 'll take you , I said to Steve I 've got ta get there for one o'clock cos I said I really do feel that if I do n't see him before he goes I ai n't gon na bloody see him , he was ever so good , he were here at twenty to one , got straight in the car put his foot down , went to the General and just as I got in the door Steve do n't worry about me parking , go , I 'll find you , just get in there , I ran through the bloody doors , ran up the stairs cos I knew
16 A profoundly deaf therapist said : ‘ I do feel that if I did n't have this type of job where I 'm meeting different people every day I would withdraw very quickly into myself . ’
17 I can go home now and again to stay with my sister , and Newbury Council have said that when I come back into circulation they 'd be willing to find me another place , and hopefully I 'll find a little job .
18 Some of them turned out to be not as indifferent to my plight as I 'd feared they all would be , and a few murmured that if I did really feel strongly about the way I had been treated , I should indeed take the matter up with the Senate .
19 Could he honestly believe that when I went off to work at nine o'clock each morning I was really heading for some regular-as-clockwork day-long love-nest ?
20 From " If you want them , there are biscuits " it does not follow that if there are none , you do n't want any , and from " I could have if I chose to " it does not follow that if I did n't choose to do the thing , I was n't able to do it .
21 I surveyed the scene around me and vowed that when I grew up I would marry a rich man who would carry me away from all this noise and squalor .
22 I knew you might work it out but I reasoned that if I did n't rush forward to explain all , you might catch the culprit first and never have to trouble me . ’
23 So I hope you 'll understand that if I do n't include my subscription with this letter it 's not because I do n't support you and if I shop in Smiths it 's not because I want them to sell pornography .
24 I suspect that as I map out some of those tendencies they will sound familiar to many people , for in some respects the distinction between light-greens and dark-greens is a mirror image of the distinction between animal welfare activists and animal rights activists .
25 I always eat well at university at lunch time , including a pudding , because I know that when I get home I will have to eat minute quantities .
26 I know that when I get out I 'll make something of myself this time . ’
27 And you know and I know that when I come home after a nice relentless day at the rehearsal rooms , it will look like Versailles , Southfork and Designers Guild rolled into one .
28 I know that if I broke down in my car , wherever I was in the country , whatever time of night it was , Pete would come to the rescue .
29 I know that as I became more and more anorexic , I also became more and more despairing and , at the same time , because of my stubborn , isolated will , more and more determined to deny my despair by finding solace in despair itself .
30 I could always get Fenella or somebody to answer the phone and I was n't in the phone book , so I figured that if I chickened out , I could block her .
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