Example sentences of "[verb] that [pron] be [adv] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 When you if if you think about a country of song you might think of Wales , but anybody visiting Ireland will know that it 's really Ireland 's got to be a country of song because if you go there you 've got to sing .
2 Later generations were frequently reminded that they were once members of a slave community whom the Lord had mercifully redeemed from bondage .
3 Shannon ( 1951 ) demonstrated that there is over 50% redundancy in the English language by investigating the ability of readers to predict what letters were missing from words .
4 Strange dreams disturbed his mind : weird animals chased him down long dark valleys , but gradually he came to know that they were only nightmares .
5 He seemed , if you remember , almost relieved to find that we were merely policemen .
6 An ESRC-funded study at the department of psychology of the University College of Swansea of 52 people in their twenties with Down 's syndrome found that there is obviously confusion about who can and can not vote , that there is clear overlap in the abilities of those who vote and those who do not and that decisions on voting are not made strictly on the abilities of the person with Down 's syndrome .
7 They are the guiding fictions which we repeat to ourselves so often , and with such conviction , that we forget that they are simply themes in a script we have written , and act as if they were true .
8 Do you find that erm the likes of yourself and your workmates do you have a lot of kind of views in common and things , do you think that you 're maybe kind of the same political persuasions or whatever ?
9 Does the Minister think that it is now time to implement the proposals in the report ’ Escaping the Debt Trap ’ to introduce social loans , to take more stringent action against loan sharks who exploit poor people by their extortionate interest rates and to encourage a more responsible lending policy by banks ?
10 Which is why the eternal words , ‘ Do you think that it 's about time we started a family ? ’ rarely fall from men 's lips .
11 Sarah , a 16.3hh grey thoroughbred mare , really does look like a dressage horse — but Bubbles thinks that she is definitely number one !
12 Saxton Bampfylde represents a more recent example of a breakaway this time from John Stork — suggesting that there is still scope for start-ups in headhunting .
13 Two weeks ago I wrote to the Archbishop of Canterbury suggesting that it was now time for the Church Militant to denounce antibiotics in the same uncompromising terms once used against usury , but I suspect my advice ( admittedly unsolicited ) will go the same way as the seed of Onan .
14 Medical experts also deny that they are really vitamins , despite their ‘ B ’ designations .
15 I therefore welcome his belated decision to take part in a full debate and the fact that he is now — I quote him from last week — keen to acknowledge that there is always room for constitutional change .
16 With 20 seconds left , he zings in a series of eight jabs and a razor of a right , all designed to make only surface contact , but to confirm that he is still Ali .
17 Lord Ross added : ‘ This appears to me to emphasise that there is both importance and difficulty in this action which would make it appropriate for the action to be heard in the Court of Session as the supreme court rather than in the sheriff court .
18 Leith knew then , when her mother began , ‘ Is n't it exciting ? ’ that she was wasting her time expecting her to agree that it was about time Sebastian got his act together .
19 While I owe much to that tradition and trust that I am still persona grata within it , in many respects I have gone beyond Evangelical thought on matters to do with the Church and sacraments .
20 Damn him for dissembling ; for pretending to Daniel that he was n't wounded to the core at being passed over , pretending that it was only Anna who was suffering , as if it were she who could not bear the lack of advancement , of increased prosperity .
21 For example , a computer system can check stock levels and produce a supplier 's order request automatically in good time , and this will ensure that there are always supplies of products in stock .
22 Weightlessness apparently does no great harm , so President George Bush says that it is now time to send people to Mars .
23 People in the street must be approached and told that they are now editor of The Times for a month .
24 It is worth remembering that there are still people in Britain today who have never been to London .
25 Moreover , even if we allow ‘ America ’ to mean only the United States , the Old World needs to remember that there are more Americas than one .
26 I can not feel that I am truly mistress here , while your mother is in residence .
27 Glancing at his watch , Major Tzann noted that it was almost time for the briefing .
28 ‘ I was aware when I came that I was only Warrington 's third choice , after Michael Hagan and Trevor Kissell , so I feel doubly lucky that things have gone so well . ’
29 In the situations where the actor does not desire the result , but merely sees it as a foreseeable outcome of his conduct , the House of Lords has said that there is merely evidence from which the tribunal of fact can infer that he intends .
30 Indeed , it could be argued that it is only problems which are set within this framework that are viewed by the legal community as being properly legal .
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