Example sentences of "[verb] that [adj] [be] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In addition the similarities in their decorative and illustrational work suggest that each was stimulated by the other 's ideas .
2 Picture a teenage girl in Morocco for whom premarital loss of virginity is culturally intolerable and who faces the ‘ choice ’ , under male duress , of tolerating anal intercourse , or of submitting to vaginal penetration knowing that she will thereby have to leave home for a life of prostitution ; she may even know that both are related to acquisition of HIV .
3 Everything was there except a crucifix , and I did n't doubt that this was hidden underneath a thick petticoat .
4 Burgoyne and Clark ( 1984 ) report that this was seen as a major reason for returning to live with parents after the break-up of a marriage , and the assistance which grandparents gave with child care in the short term was seen as vital in helping their daughter or son to re-establish themselves economically and to form new relationships .
5 It was claimed that this was caused by the greater number of convictions , and the speed at which the increase took place , rather than from any perceptible changes in sentencing practice .
6 We have also reported that endothelin-1 is synthesised in the endothelial cells of submucosal arterioles in the early phase of the development of gastric mucosal injury in the same experimental model .
7 The Trust surveyed 83 species , and found that 33 are nesting between one and 22 days early , in a trend which started in the mid-1970s .
8 The purpose and remit of the panel should , therefore , be made explicit to colleges and it was recommended that this be addressed by colleges and the Council as part of staff development .
9 It is recommended that this is defined as a fixed set by the Project Manager concerned .
10 It is recommended that this is taken into consideration when scheduling LIFESPAN RDBI bulk data transfers .
11 It 's recommended that these are used in conjunction with brushes to keep them from clogging .
12 The Law Commission has recommended that these be abolished after a run-out period of ten years ( Law Commission Report No 152 , published November 1985 ) .
13 Er in fact I would probably think that erm having looked at some of the results recently I would think that that 's going to be somewhere close to average now .
14 I do not think that that was meant in a personal sense .
15 Tutors are responsible for seeing that these are completed before the Practical Examination .
16 It was two beats before I realised that this was meant to be a very funny joke and then I struggled to match his guffaws , adding my own rather reedy piping to his basso mirth .
17 Undecided , she had wondered if it might be too formal , but now she realised that this was going to be no jeans-and-sweater occasion .
18 The information about the total amount collected each week can assist people to see that many are responding to the diocesan needs at this time .
19 When the king commanded deer to be taken for his use in the royal forests it was usually the warden 's responsibility to see that this was done in the proper manner .
20 The grazier 's main problems are to provide leys of palatable and nutritious grasses and clovers and to see that these are consumed in the lush , leafy state before they grow to stem and seed .
21 This is because the two components are so close together that they almost touch , and presumably gravitational strains mean that each is distorted into the shape of an egg .
22 He agreed that moral development was in 3 stages , but believed that these were divided into two parts .
23 He believed that this was referred to by Geoffrey of Monmouth in the twelfth century .
24 I would be grateful if you would ensure that this is passed to the appropriate committee .
25 I should be grateful if you would ensure that this is passed to the appropriate committee for consideration .
26 There is some professional resistance , in the sense that people who 've done a lot of work on programming get used to certain sorts of languages , and if you make proposals about teaching some new way of dealing with computers , they throw up their hands in horror , and object that this is going to be inefficient , or it 's not going to prepare people adequately for what goes on in industry , or whatever .
27 GL advised that this is covered in Garden 's general insurance .
28 At first it was felt that this was caused by their failure to understand what was required of them despite being notified by the Board , the NEC , through the pages of The Embalmer as well as at Divisional meetings , but it is apparent that there is an element of tutors who deliberately do not follow the guidelines and rules , ignore well publicised and individually notified closing dates for entry and submission of coursework results , presumably to try and ‘ force ’ the Institute to return to the ‘ old ’ system .
29 How do we reconcile Cox 's impression of genius as superior , adjustive mental health with that which the medical biographers give , remembering that both are referring to a similar set of individuals ?
30 I hope that that is accepted on both sides of the House .
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