Example sentences of "[verb] i have [adv] [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 GUIL : Do n't think I have n't thought of it .
2 well the the have a training roll and it may well be that the will be able to I mean I have n't spoken for example but they have taken over the functions of the old Manpower Services Commission training agency .
3 I do n't know I have n't looked at the invitation , he just told me when he came home from school he 'd got a party .
4 I I have feelings about it , I I I mean , my , generally my experience I do n't know I have n't discussed with other members but er , when I the panel that I er , allocated to erm and I was telephoned , could a make , and certain dates were made and I finally made one then I was told , oh no that 's not convenient !
5 That way I 'll know I have n't put on any weight .
6 They say I have only flirted with a temporary vice and its vice-keeper and , having survived them both , I am still me and I am no junkie .
7 She says I have n't spoken to many wives but I was horrified , everyone is very upset .
8 Yeah it says , I read the thing and it says I have n't got ta let them in unless they 've got a warrant so the first time they come they would n't have a warrant , surely , so they 're gon na have to go away and get a warrant and in that time then I 'd have to get a licence would n't I ?
9 It was something which I do n't feel I have totally resolved in myself now .
10 He said : ‘ The supporters know I have always spoken to them in honesty and when I could not give them the truth I have kept my mouth shut .
11 I suppose I have always thought of it as a possibility but his actual decision to marry was a surprise . ’
12 Do you realise I have n't walked on grass for almost a year ?
13 Earlier , that same hole , Sam Torrance had hit the longest drive I think I have ever seen in competitive golf .
14 Think it 's used to you in that I do n't know what , I do n't tell Ron , well he knows how I felt cos I said course I 'm , god he said , is that a performance , he said I have n't sat on your knee for ages , I said no I just feel like it , before we went out and er , I said well I do n't think there 's anything the matter do you , I said with him back there saying make sure Mr Hudson has the notes , and he said no , he said , he said he would n't leave it seven months he said
15 I have angina which is very unpleasant but I can move about more easily since losing a bit of weight and I used to suffer every night with heartburn but since having no fat I can honestly say I have n't suffered at all : … .
16 Ca n't say I have n't thought about it myself on occasion . ’
17 A prompt reply I would have deemed a common decency , you being a fellow screenplay writer , though I must say I have never cared for your work , finding it , at once , both florid and superficial .
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