Example sentences of "[verb] i [verb] [pron] [vb past] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The angle of the lamp cord on the bar made me think I saw a hearing-aid cable extending from Fielding 's ear .
2 and I should warn you that once I was asked to go to a , a series of lectures in a certain cathedral on the seven deadly sins , because the Canon who invited me said he wanted a married man who was good on lust !
3 if she has I wished I had a job like that when I were young by George , going abroad and
4 and when we moved I think we had a new insurance policy to cover and the others became mine .
5 You let me think you had a serious boyfriend , that you were on the point of marriage . ’
6 I remember I remember I saw the shorts and you said they 're nice .
7 You know I mean we had a woman in pub ,
8 Because that was er you know I mean it got the group together
9 D ye know I forgot we had a telephone !
10 It is quite a lot to read I mean I read a short story last week .
11 So I just went I knew I did the only thing that I knew I could do .
12 ‘ But when it went I thought I needed an operation .
13 Sorry I I thought I thought you quoted a price of a hundred and said that
14 I think I mean I got the impression on several occasions that he 's actually quite nervous in the post .
15 Well I might have I just do n't know I think I mean I used a load at , why , want white ?
16 Nor do I think he had the right to frighten me while driving here .
17 And er they used to come to me and ask things about what they should do and did I think they had a claim for this and that you know , and I used to tell them you see .
18 ‘ Why did I think I wanted a baby ?
19 Did I feel I had a point to prove ? ’ pondered Hastings .
20 The er bloke in there said did I know who owned the I noticed there was this little long haired sort of black and white or grey dog that was er tethered to a oh a lamp post or something outside .
21 He said I wish I had a hundred and twenty pound a week
22 er because I said I , I only phone Marion once a month and phone mum probably about once a fortnight , I do n't like to leave it any longer and erm and I said I know I made a few extra calls over Christmas , but I said I really do n't know .
23 No but he had I mean he had a screen and er
24 I said well we had I said I had a bit of a run in with the lady who ran it , I did n't agree that he should be compelled to do singing which she thought he should I said and we had a decided it cos he .
25 Yes he had I think he had an intuition and an instinct and a feel for the common man .
26 You see I mean I had an uncle , he 's passed on now , and he was an avid pipe-smoker .
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