Example sentences of "[verb] it to the [noun sg] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Full-back Wadsworth 's ‘ remarkable accuracy ’ turned defence immediately to attack by the way he could ‘ take the ball from an opposing forward and send it to the forward he thinks will make the best use of the pass ’ ( Examiner ) .
2 ‘ The first impulse of every critic of postmodernism ’ , Ihab Hassan recently suggested , ‘ is still to relate it to the semanteme it contains : namely , modernism ’ ( Hassan 1987a : 214 ) .
3 He took out the photograph which he always carried with him and compared it to the woman he had just seen .
4 If there is money to spend , they should give it to the man who has won two championships at Everton .
5 In fact , to get confidence when rehearsing your speech , read it to the person who is most likely to be encouraging .
6 Lovernius was very pleased and asked for a bag of gold and threw it to the poet who ran beside his chariot .
7 The owner did not intend to leave the registration document but showed it to the dealer who arranged a trick whereby the owner was called away on an imaginary emergency thereby forgetting the registration document .
8 Rescuing a piece of the frill from the dress , Ellie cut it to the shape she wanted , attached it with pins to the back of the headband , laid it down , picked up Terry 's brush , backcombed the other girl 's hair so that it stood further out from her head , giving a similarity of the style she thought she should have , carefully arranged the head-dress , and turned Terry back to the mirror .
9 ‘ She asked me to give it to the lady who had been in court with her child , and to ask if you would take care of her till she could come for her . ’
10 Thus only will suspicion be averted — and I myself enabled to gather information about yourself and the king and convey it to the queen your mother . ’
11 Eugénie kept it with her in her house at Farnborough Hill until her death in 1920 and on her death she bequeathed it to the Abbey she had founded to house the tombs of the Emperor and the Prince Imperial .
12 Louis pushed his plate away from him , took the chop bone and tossed it to the springer who caught it with a single sharp snap .
13 ‘ Was he taking it to the person it belongs to ? ’ he asked at last , and it was as though all the time he had been trying to frame the question in a special way .
14 ‘ When I took it to the beach it went brrmm , brrmm , up and down the sandhills . ’
15 I could n't figure out which were and when the girl er , you know , when , when I took it to the counter she she said , ooh this is good value for four ninety nine !
16 that 's almost certainly enough to nail it to the floor I would have thought .
17 It has been said that regard must be had to the nature of the contract broken , the position of the parties to the contract , the grounds for the breach , the means employed to procure it , the relation of the person procuring it to the person who breaks the contract , and the object of the person procuring the breach .
18 But he has thrown it to the wind which will swirl round Windsor Park tonight by naming no fewer than THREE centre forwards in his side to face Latvia .
19 Regan declares it to the man himself ( V.i.6ff. ) , as the egoism they each pursue turns the two sisters into deadly rivals ( 15f. , 18f . ) .
20 Robyn opened her mouth , but before she could put it to the test he clamped a hot sweaty palm over her lips .
21 She gave it to the person who contacted you .
22 In that state he gave it to the boy who set off on his half-mile walk .
23 Mr. Occhi got into the taxi , took £1 out of his wallet and gave it to the appellant who then , the wallet being still open , took a further £6 out of it .
24 He plucked an apple from his pocket , God knows where he got it from , and gave it to the horse who munched it greedily .
25 If we 'd left it to the day we 'd have been sunk !
26 The top management did n't bother about that , they know left it to the local you see .
27 They later discovered he 'd broken his leg in a road accident 6 weeks earlier , and although Odey had taken it to the vet he 'd ignored advice to have it operated on .
28 Actually he pinpointed it to the day I came back from hospital .
29 Either you tip the dustmen to take it away or you take it to the tip yourself .
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