Example sentences of "[verb] it [adv] that it [verb] " in BNC.

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1 She would redesign the apartment , transform it so that it became a proper home , a space where friends could come , a place for gatherings , a home like the Princesse 's which always hummed .
2 She had washed and curled her silvery hair and left it long , brushing it so that it hung over one shoulder in a silky-pale swath , a style she never favoured .
3 and put it so that it goes over your feet
4 It is to have failed to give the transcendence of God its proper cash value , to have weakened it so that it means something like ‘ outside the solar system ’ or ‘ above the galaxy ’ .
5 The vast red sail burst free of its lashings , the wind filling it so that it bowed forward in a great scarlet curve on which was painted in brilliant gold the portrait of the Golden Girl herself , bubble-curled , lips pouting — Marilyn Monroe .
6 Leaning forward , he took her hand , smiling , and turned it so that it lay , the back upwards , in his strong square hand .
7 But he 's got it so that it hurts .
8 The female releases them by reaching forward with her hind leg , inserting her longest toe into the sac entrance and pulling it so that it enlarges and her young are able to clamber out .
9 There are two things we can do with hair on the upper lip , we can either bleach it so that it does n't notice , or we can actually remove it with wax , or we can have electrolysis .
10 Some may contain adulterants to enhance the aroma or to extend it so that it goes further ; others may contain pesticide residues or traces of chemical solvent from the extraction process .
11 We positioned it so that it faced away from the doorway , to avoid draughts and to give the future inhabitants a little privacy .
12 I recall from when I saw it later that it made excellent footage .
13 Donaldson turned and saw that Bobo had her arm through the bars , prodding at the basin with a straw and rocking it so that it came close to spilling its contents within her reach .
14 Er I do n't think it probably that it does decide help you decide where the location ought to be , but that having said that , I would not want to minimize in any way er the views of my authority er as to the importance erm of the look of contributions from the private sector .
15 He granted an injunction restraining the defendant from using and/or disclosing confidential information but qualified it so that it did not apply to communications made by the defendant either to FIMBRA or the Inland Revenue in respect of the matters identified in the defence .
16 The bogwood went into a bucket of water to soak out any discoloration , and to waterlog it so that it sinks .
17 Using our discussion in this chapter , edit it so that it conforms more to what you now understand to be conventions of an appropriate literary-critical style .
18 And you can just pull it so that it flattens .
19 and pull it so that it tucks underneath .
20 They 're perhaps little er more about the condition of the granules of a powder used for compressing into tablets , and the coating , how shall we coat it so that it washed away at once , dissolved slowly or anything like that .
21 ‘ If you pin it so that it hangs down , people will catch their hair in it , ’ she was saying .
22 When a search is completed up to twelve small images will be displayed on the lower area of the screen , you can then choose the one you want and enlarge it so that it appears on the screen together with any relevant background information .
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