Example sentences of "[verb] it [adj] for [n mass] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 As well as setting up a register the Act will eventually make it illegal for people to handle food until they have taken a basic food hygiene certificate .
2 Of course that 's so hard , they do n't make it pointless for people to find jobs that they do n't declare their income , so that means test would encourage the black economy .
3 Furthermore , cable may make it possible for people to interchange information on a rapid two-way basis .
4 Anna Marsden , director of the foundation which was established to raise new funds for voluntary work , said the gulf could make it difficult for people to seek help .
5 For God in his wisdom made it impossible for people to know him by means of their own wisdom ( v. 21 ) .
6 So one may take it that everyone receives at least a smattering ; and more flexible A-level and university courses make it possible for people to combine more advanced science with arts subjects in a way that was virtually impossible in my day .
7 Sir , — There is a small but growing voice to be heard expressing the desire for the introduction of the Australian system of making it compulsory for people to vote in political elections .
8 The hormone progestogen taken regularly every day at the same time causes changes making it difficult for sperm to enter the womb or for the womb to accept a fertilised egg .
9 But lets just notice two or three things in this particular interview , the first thing that we see and its so obvious is that the way of salvation is so wondrously simple , it could n't be easier , you know there are so many people who think it is hard to get saved , who think it is hard to come to Christ and to become a Christian , well the problem is you see the devil has blinded their eyes , they 've blinded the eyes of men and women , so that they think that they ca n't do this , but what is actually happened , Paul tells us in , in , in Carinthians in the first er , in to Carinthians in chapter four and verse four , he says the god of this world has blinded the eyes of the unbelieving that they might not see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ , who is the image of god , and there is this shroud , this covering , but the thing is god takes that away so that we can see and so its not difficult to become a Christian , it is not hard to get saved , sometimes as Christians we are guilty of making it difficult for people to become Christians , we put all sorts of rules in , we , we make them undergo various periods of er , of probation before we wer we 've were , were willing to call them Christians , remember the Philippine jailer he cried out there to the apostle Paul who was er in jail there with Silus the , the be , the tremendous earthquake and they were released all their vetoers was , were broken and the prisoners were all , could of escaped and the ja , the Philippine jailer he cries out a question that I 'm sure he does n't even know what he means when he calls it out , he 's not thinking of heaven , he 's not thinking of the future life , he 's not thinking of having his sins dealt with but he just cries out what must I do to be saved and the apostle Paul and he gets , opens the scrolls and he starts in genesis and he explains the plan of salvation and he tells him what he 's got to do and he explains all the requirements and then about three or four hours later the mans mind is completely blurred he does n't understand a word of it , its gone way beyond him
10 Sometimes , as Christians , we are guilty of making it difficult for people to become Christians .
11 In order to make it worthwhile for people to buy bills , therefore , they must be sold below their face value ( i.e. at a discount ) .
12 It helps to make it possible for people to face openly the ambivalence of the caring relationship on both sides , with the possibility of conflict where it exists .
13 Market forces are based on contract , and the proposal that I advanced would clarify the law to make it possible for people to enter into contracts , which would have the consequences that I described .
14 ‘ This leaves it open for staff to use their ingenuity , good sense , and professionalism ’ .
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