Example sentences of "[verb] it [art] [noun sg] [pron] [be] " in BNC.

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1 I sense it the moment we are inside the front door .
2 I happened to have with me the journal of Dorothy Wordsworth on my trip to the Dales as I had forgotten to return it to the public library , and you have my word that I dropped it the instant I was made aware that they were harbouring a drug addict .
3 ‘ They 'll bring it the way it is anyway .
4 You 'll love that Caroline , I did n't give it a thought I 'm sorry ?
5 I 've grown up liking it the way it is , with the English art constantly juxtaposed with that from other places .
6 We do n't like it the way it is .
7 ‘ Listen , we like it the way it is .
8 ‘ Was she wearing it the day you were kidnapped ? ’
9 Giving parents a measure of choice would , it was argued , be more likely to secure their involvement in the school and in their child 's schooling : ‘ They are more likely to support a school they have freely chosen and to give it the loyalty which is so essential if their children are to do the same . ’
10 If you spell it the way it is pronounced you 'll
11 Now , I do n't know whether what other people would , would say about doing it the way we 're suggesting like somebody has completed levels one A , one B , and two A , therefore they 've got this and perhaps
12 and , say , explain the logic of it , why you 're doing it the way you 're doing it .
13 Many of these boil down to the simultaneous call to go back to doing it the way it was , to keep on doing it the way it is , and to move forward to doing it differently .
14 Many of these boil down to the simultaneous call to go back to doing it the way it was , to keep on doing it the way it is , and to move forward to doing it differently .
15 Not by doing it the speed he 's doing it .
16 Only the truly virtuous strip their tack and clean it every time it 's used — the rest of us simply do n't have time .
17 I 'm never gon na , I 'm never gon na learn learn it by concentrating on how I 'm gon na do it , I 'm just gon na have to sing it the way it is because I 'm not gon na learn to do it am I ?
18 ‘ History books do n't tell it the way it was , ’ she murmured .
19 The cast were mainly non-professionals and I think what 's exciting is their contribution to this film made it the success it is .
20 Well the rubber 's a , well , you call it a teatle you call it a teatle it 's a rubber .
21 The one I 've got is er , is like , they call it a bilingual it 's , it 's metric and
22 I bought it the day you were paying Victoria 's bills . ’
23 I had no idea why Hughie McNab wanted to change my face , for I liked it the way it was .
24 ‘ I liked it the way it was . ’
25 And we pray that You will prepare the Christians there for Alan 's induction , making it a body which is joyful in worship , and united in witness , working , caring , praising and loving , to the glory of Your Name .
26 She told a magazine : ‘ If we 'd left it the way it was so depressing you 'd have wanted to slash your wrist after seeing it .
27 Effectively , García Márquez is here waiving any claim to be ‘ telling it the way it is ’ , for the new novelists no longer share traditional realist fiction 's confident assumption of man 's ability to understand and describe the world .
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