Example sentences of "[verb] it [prep] the [noun sg] who " in BNC.

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1 If there is money to spend , they should give it to the man who has won two championships at Everton .
2 In fact , to get confidence when rehearsing your speech , read it to the person who is most likely to be encouraging .
3 Lovernius was very pleased and asked for a bag of gold and threw it to the poet who ran beside his chariot .
4 The owner did not intend to leave the registration document but showed it to the dealer who arranged a trick whereby the owner was called away on an imaginary emergency thereby forgetting the registration document .
5 ‘ She asked me to give it to the lady who had been in court with her child , and to ask if you would take care of her till she could come for her . ’
6 I would n't even wish it on the person who did it to Paul . ’
7 How often have you known it for the butler who is on everyone 's lips one day as the greatest of his generation to be proved demonstrably within a few years to have been nothing of the sort ?
8 Louis pushed his plate away from him , took the chop bone and tossed it to the springer who caught it with a single sharp snap .
9 It has been said that regard must be had to the nature of the contract broken , the position of the parties to the contract , the grounds for the breach , the means employed to procure it , the relation of the person procuring it to the person who breaks the contract , and the object of the person procuring the breach .
10 What would happen is the prescription would be written and they 'd either get it from the chemist who would constantly have a stock coming in or the hospital .
11 She gave it to the person who contacted you .
12 In that state he gave it to the boy who set off on his half-mile walk .
13 Mr. Occhi got into the taxi , took £1 out of his wallet and gave it to the appellant who then , the wallet being still open , took a further £6 out of it .
14 He plucked an apple from his pocket , God knows where he got it from , and gave it to the horse who munched it greedily .
15 . And the idea with these is that when you get reimbursed for expenses , you put the receipt into the expense envelopes then at the end of the month , erm , you would staple the envelope and attach it to your company expense claim or you know , throw it at the person who 's going to give your money back or whatever .
16 In the dream she lifted her right hand and stretched out her arm , the tiny pistol almost lost in the palm of her hand , pointed it at the man who had once been her lover — and shot him dead .
17 He ended it as the kid who can fill them .
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