Example sentences of "[verb] it [prep] [verb] that [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Besides , I want to protect the remains of my privacy ; I do n't want to appear cold-hearted or stubborn ; but I know that when I try to make my life give me its answers to how I have come to my current concerns , I ca n't do it without feeling that I am on the edge of a dangerous fiction of self-description .
2 I thought that was very interesting , for Richard had obviously never thought it worth mentioning that she was n't white .
3 It is as if Hahnemann takes it for granted that we all understand the importance of quantity , as well as potency , when administering a remedy , but this seems almost a revolutionary concept to us as we rarely consider this factor when using both low and high potency centesimal remedies .
4 To give this impression would ensure shipwreck on a reef which we shall in any case be lucky to avoid , the indifference of the reader who takes it for granted that we are trying to deduce imperatives from the facts of which one ought to be aware , and assumes in advance that there has to be a flaw somewhere , hardly worth the trouble of locating , as in a new proposal for a perpetual-motion machine .
5 He just takes it for granted that it always looks like this .
6 It is easy to think of the doctor , for example , whose father and grandfather were doctors before him and who takes it for granted that his son will follow in his footsteps — without really stopping to consider whether that is what his son wants to do .
7 Do n't take it for granted that they 'll be OK .
8 If I gave them an order to couple up a full line of maybe ten coaches , I would n't take it for granted that they 'd done it , I 'd walk up the coach , one walk up one side , down the other side and I would n't If there were a heating valve not open , if they forgot that you see , I would n't do it for them , I would go back and I 'd say , that S K third from the back end , the heating valve is not pulled down , you 've missed it , you 'd better When you 're up that way , just pull it down you see .
9 A young wife may assume that her husband will come shopping with her and he may take it for granted that she will stay at home while he goes to the local football match , or plays golf with the boys .
10 On the other hand a Kachin will always take it for granted that anyone whom he is prepared to classify as a Jinghpaw is a kinsman of some sort .
11 A reminder that he should not take it for granted that he would in time succeed to England , Normandy and Anjou ?
12 Then he had spoilt it by saying that his reasons for leaving Australia had been personal , and she had assumed he had been involved in a similar situation to that with Jennifer .
13 By citizens and burgesses he meant the freemen of corporate towns , taking it for granted that his readers would understand that this privilege had in practice come to be restricted to the richer inhabitants — merchants , not working craftsmen .
14 She was taking it for granted that he knew who she was ; but then anyone who had read the papers must know that .
15 Yet others may deplore British nationalism while taking it for granted that there is some homogeneous group called the British , thus conceding the basic premise for a British nationalism .
16 ‘ I used to see and feel things in the house , but being a child I just took it for granted that everybody else was seeing and feeling the same things .
17 So before that most believers , like the young Darwin , took it for granted that everything in the Bible was true in a simple way .
18 ‘ There was such an incredible level of will involved , ’ reflects Rowland , ‘ and we just took it for granted that we were , like , better than everybody else by about 50 million miles .
19 Until recently , they took it for granted that their supplies from domestic sources could be obtained on credit and that , when these bills matured , any shortage of funds would be made good by the banks .
20 The early feminists make more of an impression on us than the overwhelming mass of their contemporary sisters who took it for granted that their place in society would be one of legal and social inequality to men .
21 She took it for granted that they talked about ‘ the handover ’ .
22 Jack had gone to India soon afterwards , and although Susan wore no ring they were definitely engaged , and everyone took it for granted that they would marry as soon as circumstances would permit .
23 Gulliver 's Travels went back to telling fantastic tales , but Swift wrote the book in the same realistic style as Defoe , and took it for granted that his readers would find it quite natural that at the ends of the earth men were just the same as in England — petty , trivial , grasping , and generally unpleasant .
24 The church found it hard to enforce chastity within marriage when a pagan man took it for granted that he had the right to sleep with his slavegirls .
25 She took it for granted that he would know who Julian was .
26 Anyone who became Nawab expected to be rich , and took it for granted that he should reward those who had helped him to the throne .
27 ‘ I would n't mind , ’ she explained , ‘ but they just took it for granted that she would go back to work and I would look after the baby , without even asking me . ’
28 Harriet walked home wondering why she had not organised something of this sort before and marvelling at Mrs Rafferty 's complete acceptance of her own role in the community , one in which she obviously took it for granted that she herself had no need or right to ‘ a bit of a break ’ .
29 He assumed she was guilty , took it for granted that she was at the foot of everything , and that left a bitter taste in her mouth .
30 Well the others have made a bit , we just took it for granted that she was giving us ten per cent rise , and did n't bother , cos they trusted her , but
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