Example sentences of "[verb] it [modal v] [not/n't] be [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The offer would seem at first sight to be an extremely generous one , but those who make it know it can not be accepted .
2 An avalanche 's blocked the track outside Sion and first reports say it wo n't be cleared before daybreak .
3 A DIY breathalyser will soon be able to tell drivers if they are over the limit — but police say it ca n't be trusted .
4 The Civil Aviation authority say it ca n't be used here .
5 The Civil Aviation authority say it ca n't be used here .
6 They knew that the government which had passed the order prohibiting the supply of oil to Southern Rhodesia was sufficiently realistic to know it could not be enforced .
7 ‘ While people are cautious about a lot of developments in Europe , rightly so , and while they are looking for British advantage , rightly so , they realise it can not be done from the back of the class .
8 The guest house says it wo n't be taking any more tenants on benefit .
9 The one hundred and fifty million pound development would have created up to seven hundred jobs.But Coca Cola says it ca n't be built yet because of the recession .
10 The child 's cognisant acts have the character of perceptions : if an act is done it can not be undone ( ‘ reversed ’ in the jargon ) and so there is no going back and taking another perspective on the question or practical problem .
11 I hope it wo n't be considered too presumptuous if I offer some advice to the reader who finds himself , perhaps for the first time , left to work on his own .
12 If jade is not polished it can not be made worth anything .
13 The County Council I full well remember some four years ago made a decision that once a site had been in peril , once a decision was made it should n't be brought back into the arena again .
14 On the day on which 6,500 redundancy notices were delivered to army personnel , Grampian Enterprise confirmed it would not be renewing the grant when the 18-month contract runs out in March .
15 No-one would judge an overseas subsidiary purely on its cash flow , because if it was doing well and growing it would n't be sending much money home , whereas if it was in decline and its working capital requirement was decreasing , it would become cash positive .
16 The trial was adjourned until tomorrow and the jury was told it would not be needed until Thursday .
17 A fingerprint was found — but she was told it could not be used as evidence and other officers were not questioned about it , she told an industrial tribunal .
18 I have argued elsewhere that Pound was prepared to take instruction , as well as to give it ; that when he first came to London in 1908 , he was looking for masters to whom he might apprentice himself ; that he found them in the Irishman W.B. Yeats and the maverick Englishman Ford Madox Ford ( whose professionalism about writing still denies him in England the recognition that he gets abroad ) ; and ( so I have speculated , though I know it can not be proved ) that Pound sought the same relationship with another Englishman , Laurence Binyon , who was too cagey to go along with the idea .
19 Amateur theatre flourishes almost everywhere , and when you 're beginning it can not be stressed too strongly that it is desirable to obtain some actual stage experience before jumping into the big pool of drama school , or even summer school .
20 ‘ After anxious consideration I have reached the conclusion that whatever Reg. v. Morris did decide it can not be regarded as having overruled the very plain decision in Reg. v. Lawrence [ 1972 ] A.C. 626 that appropriation can occur even if the owner consents and that Reg. v. Morris itself makes it plain that it is no defence to say that the property passed under a voidable contract .
21 ( f ) Parker LJ stated : " whatever R v Morris did decide it can not be regarded as having overruled the very plain decision in Lawrence 's case that appropriation can occur even if the owner consents and …
22 If their own heart is breaking it should not be allowed to show .
23 But it can at least hope it will not be handicapped by its inability to control events on its own side of the frontier .
24 ‘ In 1975 , when we started doing this , all my competition were saying it could n't be done .
25 ‘ In 1975 , when we started doing this , all my competition were saying it could n't be done .
26 Unlike the other tricks it can not be picked up quickly .
27 The latter mode , as you saw in relation to the Earth ( section 2.1.16 ) , has the possible difficulty that the substances which would ultimately form the mantle may lose oxygen to iron , but until the present oxygen abundance of Mercury 's mantle is known it will not be known whether this possible difficulty applies .
28 On the eve of the IAEA visit Argentina announced that it was cancelling an US$18 million deal to supply nuclear equipment to Iran , because of a lack of safeguards to ensure it would not be used to make nuclear weapons .
29 If a preferred way of delivering a service can not be met but the care manager feels it is an unreasonable demand , the department advises it should not be recorded as an unmet need by as an unmet preference .
30 But members of the fund-raising committee now believe it will not be run as they had hoped .
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