Example sentences of "[verb] it [be] [verb] [conj] it " in BNC.

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1 Much more important , the interior ministry has let it be known that it is dropping its draconian controls on the use of photocopying machines .
2 Except , as we have seen , for confident bourgeois like James Mill and Edward Miall , both those who campaigned for universal suffrage , like the Chartists in the 1830s and '40s , and those who dreaded and opposed it were agreed that it would lead to the political domination of the working class .
3 If this is an alternative , let it be aired before it is too late to act , for the quality for life of ourselves and for our children rests upon our careful deliberation and action now : We can no longer afford the luxury of complacency and continuous contingency reactions
4 In Washington , the administration has now let it be known that it will work for the softening of the amendment 's consequences , provided — and forgetting Kosovo for the moment — that Stipe Mesic , a Croat , is no longer obstructed by the Serbs from taking up the post of chairman ( for one year ) of Yugoslavia 's eight-member presidency .
5 She was working with a variety group and we laughed together when Sir Henry , who had still a lot of influence , let it be known that it was his wish that Miss Anne Zeigler married Mr Webster Booth .
6 Although the name of the sponsor has not yet officially been announced , it is assumed to be Olivetti who , when the restoration of the Brancacci Chapel was first mooted , let it be known that it was willing to underwrite the restoration of the ‘ Trinity ’ , Masaccio 's other great fresco painting .
7 The USA let it be known that it was prepared to upgrade the status of these talks if North Korea submitted to nuclear inspection .
8 When this book was first envisaged it was thought that it should include a comprehensive guide to sexual aspects of the law in Britain as these might impinge upon social work practice .
9 In view of the technical advance implied it is thought that it was probably he who was the ‘ Mr Showers ’ who was complimented in 1692 for having played in hitherto impossible keys and ‘ with all the softness imaginable ’ ; but at that date the reference might conceivably be to his father or , less probably , his kinsman William .
10 He repeated he thought it was finished as it was .
11 A memorandum of satisfaction that the charge has been discharged can also be registered ; it must be signed by both the chargee and the company and if a fraudulently signed memorandum is registered it is submitted that it will not affect the chargee as it would not be a ‘ duly ’ signed memorandum .
12 One of the aims of the new housing legislation is to increase the amount of rented accommodation available , but as this is dependent on private sector financing it is feared that it will be of greater benefit to the better-off section of the community .
13 I think it 's deceiving because it 's got such high ceilings
14 I think it 's finished as it is , he said .
15 Stuart Goldie , business manager at the Botanic Centre said it was fitting that it would be opening in May , as Middlesbrough started its year as Environment City .
16 The Prison Officers Association said it was astounding that it was so easy to escape from a building which was supposed to be secure .
17 In Dare it was held that it was for the trier of fact to determine whether an assault was a sexual assault , having regard to all the circumstances involved .
18 When the Centre was established it was anticipated that it would be invaluable in making new links between the University and the wider community including industry , commence , schools , other Institutions of Higher Education , LEEL , and Scottish Enterprise , and these have been successfully accomplished .
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