Example sentences of "[verb] it [conj] it [verb] [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 Originally a Roman colony , legend has it that it takes its name from the first lord of its castle Rufus , Marquis of Obertenghi , who had thick red hair , or , perhaps more romantically , that it is named after the sunset hues which turn the mountain here from a gentle rose to red each evening .
2 At first I would not even consider it but it fills her days , or at least it did until you arrived with your friend .
3 Education , for example , benefits those who receive it because it enhances their employment prospects or because they enjoy studying , but it is also held to yield external benefits in producing a socialized , literate and informed citizenry .
4 The probability — it can be no more , given the absence of hard evidence — is that Zuwaya used superior government when it suited them , exercised it over others when they could , and did their utmost to escape it when it threatened their property and privilege .
5 The Metropolitan Line grew fast in the 1860S and 1870S , the District Line joined it and it spread its branches out into the open countryside to the north-west of London .
6 The management of information becomes an art , master it and it becomes your unequal advantage .
7 He agreed to do it because it flattered his ego .
8 Having gained weight so rapidly , the abandoned pup then begins to lose it as it uses its blubber to develop the organs of its body .
9 Or if we tell them about anything dangerous so they can get it before it gets their precious settlements .
10 Between a failed , boarded-up jeweller 's and a grocer 's displaying a windowful of sunshine cornflakes was a dark cavern of a shop , so dimly lit one did not at first notice it as it bowed its head under the tenement above .
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