Example sentences of "[verb] to a [adj] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He managed to communicate to a certain extent through gestures and facial expressions , and he could put together short sentences .
2 ‘ He 'd like to write to a young lady of fifteen plus , over 5ft , not fussy about looks but please send photo . ’
3 Her earliest work in cytology concerned the presence of centrosomes in higher plants ; she then moved to a general study of oögenesis and spermatogenesis in Lilium martagon .
4 After 27 years at Sywell Airport , the Barnstormers Flying Circus have packed their tent and moved to a new home at Spanhoe Airfield , near RAF Wittering in the north of Northamptonshire .
5 When the Prince moved to a small lodge on the edge of the Steine in the 1780s fashion followed , and Brighton over the next fifty years provided perhaps the ultimate example of the marked contrast between attempts at a classical social order and a barely restrained chaos whose uneasy juxtaposition opened wider chasms in late Georgian society .
6 The English embassy in France has a mansion in the Rue des Medeans , but in early spring they moved to a small castle outside Paris , the Chateau de Maubisson .
7 But when she married and moved to a distant part of the country , I decided it was the moment for me to change my life too .
8 From there he moved to a similar post at Camberley , before becoming deputy commander RE at Mackinnon Road , Kenya .
9 They left the house in Chertsey and moved to a quiet cottage in the country , taking Oliver with them .
10 Her mother married housing manager John Moluf four years ago and moved to a big house in neighbouring Malta .
11 In 1804 , aged 22 , he moved to a clerical post in London but soon left it to study law in the city .
12 After a TOPS course I got a full-time job in computing and I moved to a different part of London .
13 On the fourteenth day we moved to a different section of the training building .
14 ‘ When Agnes disappeared , ’ replied Monks , ‘ her father changed his name and moved to a lonely place in Wales , where no one would know about the family shame .
15 After a short time working for his father he moved to a tool-making factory in Birmingham , where he took up bookmaking in a small way , by collecting bets on his motor bicycle .
16 This was , however , only the most obvious of a number of complex social , economic and political pressures , which contributed to a gradual change in the climate that surrounds most public institutions in the western world .
17 They also contributed to a growing consciousness of the value of collectivism and of alliances among sections of the lesbian and gay trade movement .
18 Sails are kept ready rigged , ready for action , and all rigs are interchangeable with all boards — an unrivalled opportunity to try to a wide range of sails with a wide range of boards .
19 Rather more ideologically committed to a new form of politics were those for whom anti-semitism was seen as the reason for the changes in British and European society engendered by the first World War .
20 It is as if between 1927 and 1934 a party unequivocally committed to a sectarian strategy on the political front nevertheless consciously chose to hedge its bets on the cultural front .
21 Dorothea Beale , the Principal of the first proprietary girls ' school in England , Cheltenham Ladies College , was firmly committed to a separate curriculum for girls and declared that her aim was to train ‘ girls so that they may best perform that subordinate part in the world to which , I believe , they have been called ’ .
22 The Labour party is not committed to any specific increase in health service expenditure , but it is committed to a specific cut in the proportion of NHS expenditure used for patient care .
23 He was committed to a private asylum in Leicester , where he remained until his death in 1799 .
24 The government was , also , committed to a private sector as , in its manifesto , it had pledged support for the small businessman , of whom there were many in Chile .
25 Responding to criticism from neighbouring countries , including Russia , the Chinese authorities said that they had always exercised restraint in nuclear testing and that China was still committed to a complete ban on nuclear testing within the framework of effective nuclear disarmament .
26 Several top managers are unhappy that England are committed to a three-match tournament in the United States this summer .
27 The ASEAN states are committed to a limited neutralisation of Kampuchea .
28 A government committed to a sustained reduction in the growth of the money supply over a number of years will find this very difficult unless it restricts the size of the public-sector deficit .
29 It is because of the concern expressed by my hon. Friend and others that the Government are committed to a further increase in the use of the ’ lane rental ’ method of procurement of motorway repairs .
30 Communism is committed to a large number of goals , but for our purpose three stand out : the abolition of private property , the abolition of the family and the abolition of religion .
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