Example sentences of "[verb] to a [adj] [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 ‘ He 'd like to write to a young lady of fifteen plus , over 5ft , not fussy about looks but please send photo . ’
2 Her earliest work in cytology concerned the presence of centrosomes in higher plants ; she then moved to a general study of oögenesis and spermatogenesis in Lilium martagon .
3 But when she married and moved to a distant part of the country , I decided it was the moment for me to change my life too .
4 After a TOPS course I got a full-time job in computing and I moved to a different part of London .
5 On the fourteenth day we moved to a different section of the training building .
6 They also contributed to a growing consciousness of the value of collectivism and of alliances among sections of the lesbian and gay trade movement .
7 Sails are kept ready rigged , ready for action , and all rigs are interchangeable with all boards — an unrivalled opportunity to try to a wide range of sails with a wide range of boards .
8 Rather more ideologically committed to a new form of politics were those for whom anti-semitism was seen as the reason for the changes in British and European society engendered by the first World War .
9 The ASEAN states are committed to a limited neutralisation of Kampuchea .
10 Communism is committed to a large number of goals , but for our purpose three stand out : the abolition of private property , the abolition of the family and the abolition of religion .
11 They are entitled to do that in a free European democracy , but we are entitled to hold our ground and to argue that we as a nation were never committed to a united states of Europe in 1973 , that we are not committed to it now and that we do not intend to pre-empt that decision .
12 In any case , many of its members in the late 18th century , though not yet necessarily committed to a full-blooded doctrine of ‘ laissez-faire ’ , were moving towards a political philosophy involving less , not more , government intervention in everyday affairs , leaving the ‘ natural ’ market forces of supply and demand to regulate the economy as best they may .
13 Lansdowne and Law could only accede with as good a grace as they could muster ; the party was therefore committed to a full policy of imperial preference , but food taxes would be excluded unless approved by a second general election .
14 However , we are committed to a full examination of all the issues and to a round of producer meetings later this year , ’ he said .
15 I have had the opportunity of discussing that with President Bush on a number of occasions , and he is as committed to a speedy conclusion of the Uruguay round as we are .
16 Thus despite the fact that the Thatcher government in the early 1980s was committed to a tight control of money supply and set targets for the broad monetary base M0 , and despite the fact that the authorities have expressed interest in monetary base control , this has not been the form of policy pursued .
17 Because I recognise you will have concerns I am committed to a vigorous programme of communication both at corporate and at local level .
18 Ordered , That the Bill be committed to a Select Committee of seven Members , four to be nominated by the House and three by the Committee of Selection .
19 In the case of an order made by a county court ( judge or registrar ) or by a registrar of the High Court , the appeal lies to a single judge of the High Court and an appeal from a decision of that judge on such appeal lies , with leave of that judge or the Court of Appeal , to the Court of Appeal ( s 375(2) and r 7.48(2) ) .
20 Exploration well 41/24–3 was drilled to a total depth of 4,834 feet by the Penrod 92 jack-up rig .
21 In looking for the means to undermine Chomsky 's position , generative semanticists were then attracted to a considerable body of philosophical thought devoted to showing the importance of the uses of language to an understanding of its nature ( work by Austin , Strawson , Grice and Searle in particular ) .
22 Water patterns bounce off polished chrome , the fibreglass shell is honed to a waxy sheen of pearl .
23 A fantasy that will appeal to a wide range of ages .
24 Hitherto the product was reliant on a third-party database , both to store user data and user data dictionaries and objects , but now it comes with Watcom 's SQL Database ; an addition that will appeal to a small number of customers who want to build stand-alone applications .
25 Benson 's text is a welcome addition for those who treat female patients with various urogenital and anorectal complaints , and it should appeal to a broad range of readers , from medical students to subspecialist physicians .
26 What we need at G.W. is a designer who can appeal to a new market of younger customers without losing the loyalty of our more traditional clientele — who are far from all being , ’ he added with a twist of humour , ‘ retired country ladies , as I recall you suggested . ’
27 The actions of both the Zionists and the Argentinians were , however instigated , straightforward take-overs of already occupied territory and no amount of alleged ‘ divine ’ involvement will alter the fact that , until all mankind adheres to a single set of rules on sovereignty , territory will belong only to those strong enough to hold it .
28 Above all , and most curiously of all , it is to come to a deeper knowledge of the inexplicable mercy of God , and of that fierce love that simply will not let his world go .
29 Pupils can be helped to come to a deeper understanding of other peoples and/or events with the questioner 's guidance .
30 It is not , as far as Beth or Lucy are concerned , about escape from tedium but about using the imagination to come to a provisional understanding of a view of reality .
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