Example sentences of "[verb] to i [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I would like and I feel humble for asking , for anyone to write to me about the above .
2 Well , since he did not appeal to me in the slightest , the whole business became a terrible bore .
3 After some thought he said ; ‘ Well , I have a daughter your age , and if she were to come to me with the same question I would advise her to terminate . ’
4 How many birds did my true love send to me on the twelfth day of Christmas ?
5 It occurred to me for the first time that he might not know whether or not I 'd lost the baby .
6 So what happens to me in the great cultural revolution ?
7 I 've just had two presented to me in the last eight months .
8 THANK you to the great many readers who have written to me in the past couple of weeks about the Royals .
9 ‘ At least 130 people have either rang or written to me in the last few weeks .
10 MUCH OF THE INTERIOR OF MY FATE AND THAT OF JEAN-Claude 's was revealed to me in the opaque , vaporous interior of la Sologne .
11 I understand you want to talk to me about the late Mr Hatton .
12 Erm Mr referred to er put great store it seemed to me on the long term effectiveness of of of reducing er building .
13 Britain , in the mid-1970s , seemed to me like the promised land of progressive education .
14 I think that a good job has been done by the ITC , but I am prepared to consider any representations that are made to me about the future determination of licences .
15 Exactly the same thing happened to me at the same stage when I was pregnant . ’
16 This happened to me on the Seven Mile Straight at recently , a lorry coming in the opposite direction in spite of road signs .
17 No one mentioned it was essential training as a motoring correspondent to have a car crash , but it happened to me in the same gruesome circumstances that confront hundreds of motorists every week .
18 I have no memory of anything that happened to me in the last ten years . ’
19 Leaving aside the phrase that the hon. Gentleman attributed to me in the early part of his question , I can reassure him that the budget for the health service will be £3.7 billion , an increase of £342 million , or 10.1 per cent .
20 But I flatter myself that I can meet this danger more calmly and securely than most philologists ; my philosophical seriousness is already too deeply rooted , the true and essential problems of life and thought have been too clearly shown to me by the great mystagogue Schopenhauer … " ( 1869 ) ; " I love the Greeks more and more … [ but ] … the philologist 's existence … seems to me more and more anomalous " ( 1870 ) ; " For me , everything that is best and most beautiful is associated with the names Schopenhauer and Wagner , and I am proud and happy to share this feeling with my closest friends " ( 1870 again ) ; and from the close of the same year , " Let us drag on in this university existence for a few more years ; let us take it as a sorrowful lesson … I realize what Schopenhauer 's doctrine of university wisdom is all about …
21 Then , picking up a rifle that had been give to me by the French Commandos , I joined the others , lining up in the darkness at the edge of the wood preparing to move off .
22 Frigidity has only been better exemplified to me by the first psychotic woman I ever saw , who complained that her vagina contained a block of ice .
23 And at the end of the class , near the bust of Unamuno , I heard your voice calling to me for the first time .
24 Now it sounds to me like the final stages of a marriage : two separated parties , screwed to their own particular pieces of floor , uttering routine chatter while the rain begins to fall .
25 Before she left for Moscow , Semenyaka talked to me about the British public 's fond picture of Russians as a nation of artists , who dance because they need to .
26 The earliest evidence known to me about the special devotion of the Fabii to Hercules goes back to Fabius Cunctator in the second Punic War ( Plin .
27 He said : ’ there is no statistical evidence that is known to me at the present time of people who are actually being discharged from the private sector We do not have evidence to bring to you of a substantial number of people who have been discharged against their will from the private sector . ’
28 Teachers would come up smiling — not having spoken to me since the first year and now I was a sixth former .
29 ‘ It seems to me like the perfect time for a little humour . ’
30 If they do n't respond to me in the next forty eight hours I 'm going to send them a second letter er tel .
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