Example sentences of "[verb] to be [prep] [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 As a staff development activity it is designed to be of both immediate and long-term use in the classroom and school setting , and thus meets an important stipulation for effective in-service work .
2 Other squat , duck-like birds are comparable to those at Barton Farm ; indeed , whereas the animals in these mosaics appear to be of quite different styles , it seems that the draughtsman responsible for the birds at Barton Farm was also responsible for those at Withington .
3 Other crustal fragments , while appearing to be of more local origin , have , none the less , experienced significant horizontal displacement and rotation with respect to the plate of which they form a part .
4 For example , for the acquisition of speech there has to be at least adequate hearing , an adequately functioning speech apparatus and the opportunity to hear others ' voices for imitation .
5 YOU should make the most of this year because when Saturn lands in your opposite sign next year , you want to be in as strong a position as possible .
6 A family member who did not react to the craziness of Chemical Dependency or other addictive disease would be a very strange , unreactive , person who might well be considered to be at least odd if not ill or crazy himself or herself for not reacting .
7 Being fabricated from thin section materials the uprights are not considered to be of sufficiently robust construction to support the cladding and the roof of the building — as is typical of many structural steel high-bay structures .
8 the level below which certain collocates are deemed to be of too low frequency to be statistically stable .
9 To be worth singling out for special attention , a semantic relation needs to be at least systematic , in the sense that it recurs in a number of pairs or sets of related lexical units ( it will be recalled that the expression lexical unit is used to refer to a lexical form together with a single distinguished sense ) .
10 Even the so-called ‘ sexual function ’ of the family — that is the function of regulating and channelling sexual activity — would appear to be of more limited significance today , although supporters and opponents of the ‘ permissive society ’ alike may both be guilty of confusing talk about and representations of sexual activity with actual practice .
11 An important part of the discussion deals with the difficulty of deciding whether variation can be said to be between semantically equivalent forms which carry social meaning , or to encode an aspectual distinction ; this latter issue is treated in the context of a ( non-quantitative ) analysis of the semantic distinctions underlying tense and aspect marking ( see further 7.6 and 7.7 ) .
12 For instance , the following two occurrences of man can be said to be in syntactically different environments :
13 Undoubtedly the most important group of works by the artist to appear at auction for many years , the canvases are said to be in extremely good condition .
14 The prime minister , by contrast , is said to be against more spending cuts .
15 All of them seemed to be on rather intimate terms with the proprietress , who was a very handsome , dark-haired woman , tall and well-built , with penetrating eyes .
16 It was extraordinary , but suddenly we seemed to be on quite different terms .
17 For all that , the way in which he was publicly rebuked by Peter May , the chairman of Selectors , after returning home , and appointed only for the first Test against India , annoyed many people by its insensitivity and seemed to be about as productive as the shooting of Admiral Byng on his quarterdeck .
18 Pete did n't know whether to duck or run , and the choice was fairly academic anyway , as for the moment his body seemed to be about as responsive as a sack of rocks .
19 Schools seemed to be at very different stages of development and sophistication here , with some proposals incorporating details of taxonomies of the skills to be developed , while others made general statements of intent about ill-defined programmes of study or library skills .
20 Its share of women in work is higher than most rich countries ' ( see chart ) , but their work tends to be in more menial jobs .
21 I had the impression that if he did n't come through on this one soon his position was going to be in very grave danger .
22 ‘ MOST OF your articles seem to be about very physical hobbies , would you be interested in hearing about one that is n't ? ’ asked Rosemary Gardner who works in Harwell 's Market Intelligence Service , part of Business Strategy Unit .
23 So far , therefore , the findings have tended to be of more obvious value to the accountant than to those responsible for planning advertising .
24 Food was beginning to be in seriously short supply , the black market was flourishing ever more strongly , new orders and threats emanated continually from the Germans , and Allied air raids were frequent .
25 If the frame appears to be in reasonably good condition , you may find that you work wonders by just giving it a proper clean .
26 This case illustrates the sense of hopelessness that may develop in the unemployed , especially when finding a job appears to be in almost impossible task , and how this may create other problems , particularly when a major life event occurs , such as the break-up of an important relationship .
27 Certainly you would have to be in pretty desperate case to dismiss the eloquent Michelozzo figures on the cenotaph frieze in the Duomo as ‘ wriggling in lines like leeches in a bottle ’ .
28 The Bristol Pegasus XXX , rebuilt by Mike Connor at Leesburg , Florida , was found to be in surprisingly good condition during disassembly .
29 After reading some of the comments from people who saw the game or who listened on the radio , the above seems to be about as true reporting as you 'd expect from the NOTW .
30 He has embarked on a drawing/painting course which seems to be about as full and hectic as yours , but then both your chosen activities are a mystery to me .
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