Example sentences of "[verb] to [be] used [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 a motor car designed to be used on public roads
2 a motor car designed to be used on public roads
3 a motor car designed to be used on public roads
4 a motor car designed to be used on public roads
5 They have been brought up from Derby and are expected to be used on forthcoming charter excursions , possibly over the Settle-Carlisle line .
6 President Clinton last week announced a plan to add a new Clipper Chip in every government phone and computer line to prevent eavesdropping : the chip was developed by the US National Institute for Standards and Technology , and is expected to be used by commercial and private users as well ; to assure privacy , each chip containing the encryption devices would be assigned two unique keys that will be needed to decode messages ; according to the New York Times , they will be fabricated by Micotronx Inc , Torrance , California and VLSI Technology Inc , San Jose , and AT&T Co says it will incorporate the chip in its secure communications product line .
7 Because production speed is important but flexibility more so ( the system has to be used for other things as well ) we adopted Aldus PageMaker as our standard layout package , we run it on both Macintosh and PC systems , and Word Perfect as our word processor .
8 A clear , bright hue , phthalocyanine green , has to be used with some caution due to its high tinting strength , although it has many mixing applications .
9 Just as it is necessary to ensure full involvement of members , so the time available has to be used to best advantage .
10 The amount of heroin reported to be used by 195 daily users known to the Drugs Council and 207 daily users known to the Detoxification Unit varied between one 5 ‘ bag ’ per day ( enough for a few ‘ hits ’ ) and 4 grams per day ( costing up to 240 ) .
11 A poor attendance rate can signal condoned truancy but it needs to be used with other measures of attendance , and on a regular basis , to help schools to improve pupils ' attendance .
12 Thus stylistic dating needs to be used with great care , and it must be accepted that the results it can give are not particularly secure .
13 One wonders , for example , to what extent the original distinction between theory and practice was reinforced or modified by the later Christian one between the contemplative and the active , or when and why the word ‘ pure ’ came to be used of certain types of knowledge .
14 Church funds also came to be used in special cases to buy the emancipation of Christian slaves , but the church did not have a general programme for the abolition of slavery .
15 These are called private law remedies because they were originally used only in private law but later came to be used in public law .
16 £80,000 would be taken from the grants budget to be used on Christian Aid 's own Education and Campaign work , eg for a Volunteer Teacher Coordinator .
17 These definitions are fairly flexible , particularly ‘ program ’ , which tends to be used for all three .
18 Standing sex has had a bit of a bad press — mainly because it tends to be used for illicit love-making by young couples who have no bedroom to go to .
19 Because it tends to be used in thicker layers than watercolour , the surface character of the paper will have less effect on the painting .
20 Similarly , within the area of prosodic components most generalisations tend to be very broad and obvious : wider pitch range tends to be used in excited or enthusiastic speaking , slower speed is typical of the speech of someone who is tired or bored , and so on .
21 CPM tends to be used in large or complex projects in construction and manufacturing .
22 So far E-mail tends to be used within single businesses , but raising it to inter-Group level would offer the benefits of speedier , cheaper and more convenient desk-to-desk communications for all .
23 Hakim said he never knew what it was going to be used for next ; on an organisation chart he left a column for Africa , since North had hinted that he might one day do something there too .
24 If I could just add my thanks to the officers substantial piece of work , which is , I hope going to be used by many members to come for the next year .
25 Although the ceremony itself was a simple one — a private exchange of shared intentions in which the most important formal element was the document which laid down precisely who got what in the case of divorce — it was nevertheless going to be used by both sets of parents as an excuse to throw a party , during which they would vie with each other in largesse , showing off their wealth as well as arranging useful introductions for their unmarried children .
26 The family goes foraging as a group within a large home range and establishes a variety of bases for refuges which seem to be used at different times of the year .
27 In this presentation , Jeremy Rivers reviews the traditional use of computers in enterprises where they have tended to be used for large weekly or monthly batched jobs , such as stock control , invoicing or payroll .
28 Acquisition accounting to be used for all business combinations where a party can be identified as having the role of an acquirer , since this method of accounting reflects the application of resources by the acquirer and shows the value of the net assets acquired .
29 At one time , and I became adversaries over the selection of polio virus strains to be used as oral vaccines .
30 Smaller objects such as shells , buttons or bobbins may be provided to be used on any models produced , or as ‘ print ’ makers to make impressions in the dough , providing experience of space and shape .
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