Example sentences of "[verb] to [pron] and [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Although the western consensus based on the traditional liberal interpretation has now broken down , many of the most distinguished scholars in the field remain firmly committed to it and it continues to inform conventional wisdom among non-specialists in the West .
2 er , it depends on one 's own tastes , I personally do n't like the open planned that I 've seen in very modern houses where , erm I , I do n't quite know how to express it but it does seem to me odd to be on one floor level and then two feet up you 're on another level and er , that 's one aspect of the open plan that does n't appeal to me and I do n't quite understand why it 's necessary to have everything that 's going on in one room with pieces of furniture designed to act as barriers between the different functions or purposes for which you give parts of the room .
3 Well of course she came running to me , you see , and we immediately phoned for the doctor , you see but , however , and I said , look , phone for the doctor , I said , and then I said go across to the railway police just across the yard and I asked one of them to come to me and I said I will go up with her and be with her until the doctor arrived , er he was with her the police sergeant when she died .
4 He proposed to me and I said yes .
5 He proposed to her and they got married .
6 Something was happening to her and something told him she needed help .
7 It really did n't feel like it was such big stuff , it was just happening to me and I believed I was going to be all right .
8 I could n't understand what was happening to me and I began to sink deeper and deeper into the pit .
9 Fearful storms sometimes come along our way and we we wonder what is happening to us and we feel that we 're being thrown around and tossed about from side to side , there seems no way out !
10 I want to someone and I do n't want to be homeless !
11 He 's , he 's from our village him , he writes to him and he goes and visits him .
12 But then another thought occurred to her and she said , ‘ OK .
13 She spent several minutes crawling on her hands and knees , rubbing the flat of her palm across the pile of the carpet to locate the wretched ring , before the truth occurred to her and she knew that she was wasting her time .
14 On the landing a new thought occurred to her and she re-entered , her long arms swinging , her face screwed up with anger .
15 ‘ He was recommended to us and I think he did n't have a club at the time .
16 ‘ He was recommended to us and I think he did n't have a club at the time .
17 That 's what I say to you and you do n't like it
18 But the squares I was n't sure what happens to them and I confused him by asking him .
19 I always seem to , I think we , we were always at Stanford Hall that we must , it was a must that we have a good programme because if somebody comes and there 's nothing doing , they think well you know yo I , I , you see I suppose I 've got that orientated into Guild work but a friend of mine enticed me to go to er a club and erm it 's just simply for any age group , any sex male or female , but you must bereaved you know and erm she is a widow and I was widow , so I went but you see we , we sat round and you just , there was nothing organised and to me who had always been organised , I just felt so like a lost soul you know and er then one chappie put some records on and you cou and you could n't dance to them and I said oh , you know to me I thought wh you know but I do n't want to do it , I 've got enough to do but , I , I was straight away , I was looking for the organisation behind it you know .
20 I 'll have a look , but I 've had him doing actual words , like first words er , you know erm , Ben and large and in and out and just the , the easy words and Luke and his own name , so he is already got the idea that when you write a letter you ca n't just write any letter , you 've got to make letters say something either as erm , as an alphabet or in the form of words , so of course she says to , would you all like to write me a sentence , well he 's already passed that stage , he thinks himself well I ca n't write a sentence , what he knows as a sentence consists of words that make sense , so they 're all sitting there going a N , N , N , Q , R , S , N , T , T , and they 're saying a sentence like I went to the shops with my nanny , well Alex has already passed that stage , he knows that that is n't sensible , so he must of turned to her and he said , I ca n't write like that , my mummy will shout at me
21 Erm that we had no alternative to do what we did er that C I D officers would speak to him and I believe that he would better understand er wh why we have done what we did er and I assured him that the damage to his door will would be repaired .
22 During that week I felt the Lord speak to me and I knew that this is what I 'd been looking for all my life and I decided to follow Jesus .
23 She did n't speak to anyone and nobody spoke to her .
24 But no , I just er added , added to them and I did n't have a letter to say that er , you know , they were coming .
25 See basically if a customer objects , you 're about to cover the , the fact that if the customer objects , say come back to canvassing for a minute , you get somebody , you phone somebody up and they say , urgh , urgh , and they just mumble away and they listen to you and they do n't listen to you , right , it 's a waste of bloody time , but if they talk to you and they give you objections and you deal with these objections , right , they 're bound to buy
26 Cos I , I says to Sarah go on we 'll have a listen to it and we stopped it anyway I says I 'll t I 'll take it off if you want , he says no leave it .
27 When you 've finished a record and you listen to it and you know it 's really special , that 's the most wonderful feeling in the world . ’
28 Er i it was insulting to you and I apologize for that .
29 And that 's what she done to hers and it looks really nice .
30 Words came to him and he used them .
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