Example sentences of "[verb] not been in [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Yawl has not been in perfect health this spring .
2 The impact has not been in one direction only : the political culture has served to shape political perceptions and actions , and hence to influence the nation 's political history .
3 All mechanical parts seem in very good order and the vehicle has not been in any accidents .
4 Football specials still arrive at Wadsley Bridge although the station had not been in normal use since 1959 .
5 She had not been in that position .
6 ‘ Why , my lord , when we were left alone — and I think if they had not been in such haste to move on they would not have left a man of us alive to tell the tale — we first tended the worst hurt , and took counsel , and decided we must take the news on to Ramsey , and also back here to Shrewsbury .
7 Harry had not been in good shape in Jo 's memory .
8 ‘ I 've not been in this part of the forest .
9 If I had n't been in that bar at that time , perhaps all this would have happened to somebody else .
10 The demolition workers had n't been in that day .
11 I asked Miss Lofthouse if she 'd seen you and she said you had n't been in this afternoon . ’
12 A Mersey Docks and Harbour Company official said : ‘ They are quite old , and have not been in regular use in recent years . ’
13 A spokeswoman for Mersey Docks and Harbour Company said : ’ They are now quite old and have not been in regular use in recent years so it was decided to dismantle them to improve the appearance of the area .
14 To take this initiative and extend it to include a range of interests which they can use , whether or not they are employed in the future , might help them to be on a more equal footing with their peers who have not been in public care .
15 Accidental fires do happen when the Peak is very dry but we have n't been in that situation yet .
16 He added : ‘ Obviously it 's a great thrill to be top of the table with Rangers because I have n't been in this position before .
17 ‘ I have n't been in this church for years . ’
18 ‘ You have n't been in this neck of the woods for years , and I doubt if in all her life she 's been further than Blackpool . ’
19 But yeah , it 's alright , it 's okay but not a lot 's going on , really , I have n't been in any activities for ages .
20 ‘ Of course I have n't been in any rackets .
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