Example sentences of "[verb] not mean that i [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I did n't mean that I meant when you look at a tree it 's sort of got
2 I did n't mean that I mean this
3 I did n't mean that I do n't want to see your house .
4 no I did n't , I did n't mean that , I did n't mean that I turned it over I 'm not gon na false out bloody conversation just for the sake of it
5 I do n't mean that I hope Alan Ayckbourn falls under a bus , but when I see a really good piece of writing I feel a real desire to emulate .
6 I do n't mean that I mean it w is it a bigger job or s
7 No I do n't mean that I mean , I , we can find old shops that , are not fully conversant with the modern day prices of furniture
8 This does not mean that I like to be led by the nose , but only that I would appreciate a little extra guidance ’ .
9 This does not mean that I deny evolution occurred .
10 That does not mean that I approve of what Jem does . ’
11 ‘ Just because I do a good job for her business does not mean that I wish to sleep with her . ’
12 This does not mean that I do not believe in the existence of genuine déjà vu experiences — indeed I have already shown that I do .
13 This does not mean that I do not believe there are issues where principle is paramount ; but there are great many issues where principle is misguided or even hypocritical , and it is a fair accusation that I tend to suspect this more often than most people .
14 Anne read the guidebooks , while I 'd say , ‘ Hey , this looks like an interesting airfield ! ’ to which Anne would reply , £The fact that the place has an interesting approach does not mean that I want to spend my holidays there ! ’
15 I can hardly remember why I stopped going out with some of my exes but that does n't mean that I brood about them and their later and surely unsatisfactory relationships with men unable to hold a candle to myself .
16 Because we made love , because I 'm physically attracted to you , it does n't mean that I owe you an involved explanation of my private life . ’
17 This does n't mean that I have slopped believing , but only that I believe in my own way .
18 That does n't mean that I think people should run out and get tested , but anyone who 's heterosexually active , having sexual relationships , needs to think about the risks , and take care of themselves and their partners , need to make sure that they use condoms , that they get themselves informed about the facts .
19 Just because I do n't have a confessional nature does n't mean that I forget things .
20 And it does n't meant that I do n't love you . ’
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