Example sentences of "[verb] not [vb pp] [prep] any [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I arrive at length at the present appeal , one striking feature of which is that , whilst not formally abandoning them , counsel for the applicant has not pressed with any vigour either of the grounds upon which the Divisional Court decided in his favour , namely that the Director was entitled to ask questions after charge but only after administering a fresh caution , and that the fact of such a caution would be a reasonable excuse for a refusal to answer , within section 2(13) of the Act of 1987 .
2 It is understood Nelson has not communicated with any member of his family since his transfer to England in December .
3 One of the most notable developments in the Soviet Union , contrary to the confident expectations of Soviet and Western Marxists as well as modernisation theorists , is that rapid socio-economic development in the USSR has not led to any decrease in ethnic attachment among the minority nationalities .
4 ‘ He has not asked for any help from us .
5 Although warranties may be implied by statute , not only may they be inadequate , but the vendor will want the purchaser to acknowledge it has not relied on any warranty , representation or undertaking unless expressly set out in the sale agreement .
6 This implies that the vendor is representing itself as an insurer whereas the real claim is the full value of the damages suffered by the breach of contract ; ( d ) ensuring the purchaser acknowledges it has not relied on any representation other than those incorporated in the sale agreement and that it shall not have any right to rescind the sale agreement .
7 According to corporate sales manager Neville Street , AST has not suffered in any way as a result of the personal computer price war .
8 It certainly seems that the change in personalities at the top of the Soviet hierarchy has not resulted in any easing of the repressive policy against dissidents .
9 The literature of Scottish geology , however , whilst it has grown in terms of numbers of papers , has not resulted in any increase in the numbers of journals devoted to it ( except for the Scottish Journal of Geology ) , but has grown by taking up more space in existing journals , and by expanding into areas covered by new , multidisciplinary journals , such as Precambrian Research , Chemical Geology , Tectonophysics , and similar publications .
10 The literature of Scottish geology , however , whilst it has grown in terms of numbers of papers , has not resulted in any increase in the numbers of journals devoted to it ( except for the Scottish Journal of Geology ) , but has grown by taking up more space in existing journals , and by expanding into areas covered by new , multidisciplinary journals , such as Precambrian Research , Chemical Geology , Tectonophysics , and similar publications .
11 The second criticism is that though public expenditure and public employment have been reduced during the last five years , this has not resulted in any upsurge of employment in the marketed sector .
12 It is obvious that Alison has not recovered in any sense , and is just managing to keep out of hospital by maintaining her weight at a low but not life-threatening level .
13 For even Freud , according to Cixous , has not helped in any project to separate history from the history of appropriation or that of phallocentrism .
14 It has n't gone in any bog , ’ she called .
15 No it has n't changed in any way .
16 I 'm so thankful he has n't come to any harm .
17 The farther one went east from the Rhine , or the farther south from the Loire , the more diverse social custom and land tenure became : and above all , the commoner became ‘ allodial ’ land , land not held of any lord .
18 Mr Donaldson emphasised the delay had not contributed in any way to the eventual death of the mechanic , William Donnelly .
19 And I never went to see Arafat since 1982 because we had not heard of any mood or climate of change in the attitude of the PLO .
20 The Hezbollah organization announced on June 30 that it would take part in the elections , although it had not participated in any government formed since the Taif accord .
21 It might have continued like that for me too , if I had not needed a chat with my local breastfeeding counsellor and realised she had not asked for any payment .
22 Well if that were so my Lord then there would never be any any solicitor 's negligence claims , in which any expert was ever called to give evidence because it 's always going to be eventually a matter of law as to what the defendant 's duty is but what the er what the plaintiff had not said at any stage is that a matter of law is ever going to be admissible and in fact the is Justice our in the course of er er a case in which he , despite expressing reservations about the admissibility of the evidence , plainly admitted it because he was within the course of his judgement .
23 Her therapist had suggested that she should speak more fully and openly to her husband , but an ancient , instinctive residue of wisdom had told Scarlet that this would be inadvisable : she had not gone through any process of transference , did not therefore regard her therapist as omnipotent , and so her suspicion that she was wasting money on her treatment was not unfounded .
24 The sum of £250 had been borrowed from Joseph Barnard , the treasurer , to make good the actual deficiency which ‘ had not arisen from any defect or negligence whatever in the management of the institution , but on the contrary arose from the great success of the Infirmary and the high reputation it had acquired , so that the number of patients had increased rapidly ’ .
25 Still the previous spills of asbestos in the factory had not led to any action by the workers .
26 I would accept that since I saw a report only the other day about such a case ( the funeral director involved had a son in my class who brought me the file ) the embalmer had used 8 oz per 80 oz of a very good fluid , but had not put in any co or pre injection fluids and did not mix any other fluids , and he put in 4 × 80 oz bottles .
27 Claire Robinson in her affidavit deposes that all parties were in agreement that the court on 16 February had not come to any opinion as to whether or not Mr. Bell had broken or was likely to break any condition of his bail .
28 I 've not heard of any problem in Shropshire , but I take that is covered by this ?
29 I 've not thought of any kind of death .
30 I had n't participated in any organization , but the experience of being a political prisoner soon changes your mind .
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