Example sentences of "[verb] not [been] [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Saunders , who has scored 11 goals in 35 international appearances , has not been on a losing side since August 23 .
2 Mason has not been on the losing side since joining Blyth 16 games ago .
3 The extreme range seems to be from 5 to 6.4 or so , but generally it remains between 4.6 and 5.2 ; it has not been through a major minimum since 1949 .
4 The intense moments of pain and fear that gripped me were too remote to be understood by anyone who has not been through a similar experience .
5 Erm I must say I share Peter 's view here that the er location of the new settlement , whether in general terms or by district , has not been through the public consultation process .
6 The increase has not been at a constant rate .
7 She has n't been for a long time .
8 ‘ He 's not married , has n't been for a long time .
9 And I think her husband will probably die before she will but erm he cos he 's older than she is even , but erm and he 's not very well , has n't been for a long time .
10 Dropping anchor and manoeuvring into the quayside puts a good dinghy sailor who has n't been on a small cruiser before under considerable strain .
11 As anyone who has n't been in a media-induced coma over the last ten years knows , her trite ditties are irrelevant to the story — IM
12 They should remember that it would all have ended seven matches earlier if it had not been for an 88th-minute equaliser against Bashley on September 16 .
13 If it had not been for the horrific blunder by their goalkeeper at Ibrox , Howard Wilkinson 's men would go into Battle of Britain II at Elland Road seeking merely to confirm the superiority of the English domestic game over the Scottish .
14 If it had not been for the extraordinary resilience of Hitler 's Wehrmacht and the fortitude of the German people , it would have done so .
15 ‘ If it had not been for the Liberal Democrats , the government would have lost . ’
16 ‘ For my part I believe the African Jesus would have won if it had not been for the Dark Host .
17 And , if it had not been for the speedy response from the coastguard , the boys would have found themselves out in the open sea .
18 And if it had not been for the speedy response of the coastguard , the boys would have found themselves out in the open sea .
19 Floy thought he would have rather enjoyed this journey if it had not been for the nagging concern about Fenella , left behind in the giants ' hands .
20 They were bare and shabby and if it had not been for the pretty yellow cloths she had made for the tables and the yellow and orange cushions she had covered for the chairs and the blue vase full of roses she had asked Maria to place on the chest of drawers , then they would have been dismal indeed .
21 The Midland Centre for Neurosurgery and Neurology is the only centre in the United Kingdom able to provide such a pioneering operation which is only available through the N.H.S. If Mr. Thorpe had not been in a fortunate position of being able to register with a G.P. in a different Health Authority , he would not have had his operation .
22 Only one symptom , a persistent cough , was reported more often for those who had not been in a residential home — 24 per cent compared with 10 per cent of those who had spent some time in such a home .
23 Taking all types of respondents together their ratings were similar for people who had not been in a residential home at all and those who had been in one for a year or more , while those who had only spent part of the last year of their lives in a residential home were generally felt to have had a worse quality of life : for 39 per cent of them it was rated as poor compared with 27 per cent of the other two groups .
24 In 1979 , the Cabinet of twentytwo contained only seven ministers ( Edwards , St John-Stevas , Younger , Nott , Biffen , Carlisle , and Maude ) who had not been in a previous Cabinet .
25 ‘ Those who had not been in the banqueting hall banded together and created an Emergency Council . ’
26 On June 23 Yilmaz announced a new Cabinet ; of the 30 ministers 19 had not been in the previous Cabinet .
27 Nevertheless , it seems fair to say that by the 1530s social grievances were again being voiced to an extent that they had not been in the previous century .
28 ‘ I 've not been to the new grounds at Walsall and Scunthorpe , Maidstone 's ground , or covered a League match at Barnet .
29 They 've not been in a flat
30 Anyway , I 've not been in a black cab in years .
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