Example sentences of "[verb] not [verb] her as [art] " in BNC.

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1 It did n't strike her as the slightest bit funny .
2 He might radiate power and control but he did n't strike her as the kind of man who would number nursing skills among his repertoire .
3 The fact that she had no money of her own did n't strike her as an obstacle ; the Suffragettes had reinforced her natural contempt for people who worried about money .
4 He did n't see her as a woman , Merrill realised , but simply as a useful adjunct to his own position in the company .
5 " You would n't make a profit on Lord Jim anyway " , he added , " I do n't regard her as an investment .
6 ‘ I just do n't see her as a full-time mother … ’
7 ‘ He does not see her as a woman , ’ Sydel said .
8 Mr Hunter had n't struck her as a man who would easily admit he was wrong .
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