Example sentences of "[verb] not [verb] to [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Americans knew far too much about the reality of strikes to accept a film in which , in the words of James Shelley Hamilton , ‘ the trouble arises not from working conditions but from a professional trouble-maker and is solved not according to any principles but by an act of sheer moronic terrorism ’ .
2 One of the most notable developments in the Soviet Union , contrary to the confident expectations of Soviet and Western Marxists as well as modernisation theorists , is that rapid socio-economic development in the USSR has not led to any decrease in ethnic attachment among the minority nationalities .
3 I 'm so thankful he has n't come to any harm .
4 Members tend not to listen to each other .
5 You did n't mind not going to that pub tonight did you ?
6 ‘ Then all your family worries descended on your lovely shoulders and I decided not to add to that burden .
7 We held hands all the way through Live Aid , having not spoken to each other for a week , and then rushed off to the Post Office as soon as we could with our three pounds .
8 Sometimes Freud may have appeared not to adhere to this view of science in practice , especially in the way the psychoanalytic movement operated , in some periods , as though it were a new form of sectarian movement .
9 Much later , in 1975 , the Lebanese chose not to refer to this period .
10 If the council did not react to that notice , then would be the time for the tenant to exercise the right to prosecute .
11 They drank their tea and did not talk to each other .
12 Paul walked away , determination in his gait ; if she did not reply to this note , he would send others until she did .
13 And so in memory of all those men who did not return to this base , we dedicate them to the keeping of Almighty God we read these verses together .
14 Opening the debate , Mr Smith did not return to this theme but dwelt on ‘ the pathways out of poverty ’ proposed in the review , notably the introduction of a statutory minimum wage and the restoration of a link between pensions and average earnings .
15 He did not settle to this life and had a number of activities , including travel to France and Belgium .
16 A widow of fifty-eight , Dorothy Hardisty had the great quality of adoring children , though her generosity of spirit did not extend to all adults .
17 It is more probable that they were cited soon after deposit , but that the coverage of SCI at this time did not extend to those journals in which the citations occurred .
18 James Kilpatrick and William Dunlop did not speak to each other for 22 years , until a mutual friend arranged a reconciliation meeting in 1935 .
19 At first they did not speak to each other .
20 Whether it was a pagan god , or a Christian saint , or some superstitious ceremony that brought rain , did not matter to most people provided the rain came .
21 The fact that these memories are often associated with emotional situations is interesting but dangerous to interpret given that there is no easy way to estimate the number of similar emotional situations which did not lead to such memories .
22 These changes did not lead to any change in popular perceptions of the police , partially because there were still few Sinhalese officers .
23 The decline in profitability may have resulted in an unwillingness of British business to invest in industry in this country , but it did not lead to any scarcity of capital for investment .
24 Ewbank J. did not refer to that evidence in the course of his judgment .
25 Lucy did not refer to that evening or to the story .
26 A small number of comments were not coded , this was generally the case when a comment did not refer to any potential or actual driving event , for example ‘ Have to remain vigilant ’ or ‘ Maintaining a steady speed ’ .
27 Clearly , then , Bukharin did not adhere to any idea of ‘ market socialism ’ , since he directly counterposed plan and market .
28 Unfortunately audiences did not warm to such tales and their commercial failure led to Pearson losing control of his own company .
29 Eighty four patients ( 27% ) thought they ought to be looked after by both their general practitioner and the hospital , 138 ( 45% ) by their general practitioner alone , 54 ( 17% ) by the hospital alone , and 13 ( 4.2% ) by a diabetes nurse ( 19 patients did not respond to this question ) .
30 Further experiments with lymph nodes from guinea-pigs produced movement traces which did not respond to this analysis .
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