Example sentences of "[verb] he at the [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 Throughout much of 1948 Minton had been working up oils based on his drawings and watercolours of Corsica for an exhibition at the Lefevre , initially promised him at the end of that year but not mounted until February 1949 .
2 Cecil has not won the 2,000 Guineas since Wollow scored in 1976 , but Pursuit of Love is a genuine contender and it will take a convincing performance from either Forest Tiger or Dr Devious in today 's Craven Stakes to displace him at the head of Ladbrokes ' market — and other firms could well follow suit .
3 There 's a nurse is in bed and the next thing the nurse wakes up to find him at the bottom of the bed .
4 It was four hours later when they woke to find him at the foot of the bed saying : ‘ I 've got a gun and I 'm going to shoot you . ’
5 Out in the dark cold hall she stopped him at the foot of the stairs .
6 It is worth mentioning , all the same , that a time will come when a frequent absentee can be fairly dismissed and that a failure to consult him at the time of dismissal will not necessarily mean that the company will be powerless to resist an unfair dismissal claim .
7 John Browne 's neighbours buried him at the gable-end of his humble cottage .
8 I have never seen him at the Council of Europe and I serve on the social , health and family affairs committee , which he has never attended .
9 ‘ I shall collect him at the end of the day .
10 Did you never see him at the City of the Horizon ?
11 This was Il Giasone ( 1649 ) which shows him at the height of his powers in the melodious aria with violin imitations ( e.g. Jason 's ‘ Delizie contente ’ , Act I , SC.2 ) , in drama ( e.g. Medea 's conjuration , Act I , sc .
12 The subject is believed to be Gian Giacomo Caprotti , a pupil of da Vinci who joined him at the age of 10 , later becoming one of his lovers .
13 The boy showed little talent for the business and hardly earned the £2 10s Mr Marshall paid him at the end of the week .
14 Tell him at the end of the week .
15 Already he was capable , it seemed , of making that impact on the stage which was , in record time , to put him at the top of his treacherous profession and bring on the applause of his finest contemporaries .
16 He could again ask parliament to put him at the head of the government .
17 Maradona is not the player he was and Gazza would have found it a lot tougher facing him at the height of his powers in the Eighties when Argentina won the World Cup .
18 His commitment to the reform of secondary education was unrelenting ; his position as Archbishop placed him at the heart of the religious problem ; his alliance with Butler — for whom he was ‘ all bulge and brain ’ — eventually tamed the opposition of the Churches .
19 I expect that 's what he thought he was going to when you grabbed him at the end of the war .
20 ‘ It is number 52 , is n't it ? ’ she asked , just to keep him at the end of the line .
21 Benedict 's pulse began to beat in his throat , and he fought vainly against that familiar rush of heat to his blood that invariably engulfed him at the sight of her .
22 After the king 's death in 1223 , he pledged his support for Philip 's son Louis VII , but deserted him at the siege of Avignon in 1226 .
23 The Norwich City and Scotland striker , a figure of such unmitigated misfortune that money deserted him at the height of what ought to have been a highly lucrative and rewarding career .
24 He I 'm suppo he says to email him , contact him at the start of week zero , because he 's goin he he 's trying to remember of his own accord , but er ju this is just to give him a kick along in case he 's forgotten
25 They drove to see him at the Chapel of Repose .
26 Coleman knew them already — they had been to see him at the University of Alabama while planning the trip — and so it was natural enough that he should now take on the chore of shepherding them around the island during their stay .
27 Yet Mr Subirachs 's sculptures for the cathedral have placed him at the centre of a storm .
28 Garvey , anxious to keep their line of work secret , met him at the foot of the ladder with whispered protests and badly disguised anger .
29 Fox met him at the bottom of the stairs .
30 We jumped out and met him at the rear of the vehicle and tried to show him a letter of introduction from the Algerian Ambassador to Britain , Lakhdar Brahimi .
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