Example sentences of "[verb] he [vb mod] n't [vb infin] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 And he found he could n't handle it .
2 ‘ I never believed he would n't make it .
3 ‘ I never believed he would n't make it .
4 A mate of mine he says he wo n't tell you for about three or four years .
5 The dead man 's father says he wo n't let it rest there and he 's planning to take legal advice .
6 Michael says it 's ‘ very decent ’ of them ; Nick says he would n't miss it for the world .
7 He says he ca n't take it .
8 I showed it to a friend of mine and he thought it was splendid — he really did — but he says he ca n't publish it .
9 When I point out that this hardly squares with his claim to be a ‘ fucking dedicated policeman ’ , Coetzee says he ca n't help it .
10 He says he ca n't help it , that he ca n't control himself if he 's asleep .
11 He says he ca n't get them flying but if they would only sit for him he is sure he could kill one .
12 He says he could n't afford it .
13 He says he could n't believe it .
14 ‘ I 'd assume he could n't forget it if he wanted to .
15 I hope he wo n't bite him again .
16 When they said he could n't have a parrot he 'd said ‘ Well , mice , then , white ones , ’ but his Dad had said he could n't have them either .
17 He was told he could n't do it by his forceful parents . ’
18 As he is a nobleman 's son , I know he would n't like me to accept a gift from anyone .
19 So Geoffrey 's gon na ring the bloke when he he 's gon na try and get hold of Mr later on and ring him because we 've got to let this other man know you know he ca n't have it .
20 ‘ For instance , I 'll bet he ca n't tell me where you 'd like us to go for supper . ’
21 I think he just figured he would n't do it — he 's in this big rock band and would n't think of doing it , although I think at the time Phil would have !
22 Then when she was talking to me someone knocked at the door then Auntie Linda was saying he wo n't bite you , he 's alright .
23 When by the third day her father had still not allowed Jessie out of her room , and Agnes confronted him , saying he could n't keep her incarcerated forever , and that if he did n't let her out then she was leaving , and that she meant it , he had gone along to his daughter 's room , taking with him a Bible , on which he made her swear that if he gave her the freedom of the house she would not attempt to leave it .
24 ‘ Are you saying he could n't take it , that he broke off the engagement ? ’
25 And then once I suppose he would n't make it in the house would he he would have it made and brought to the house .
26 Obviously , I wanted to ensure he could n't claim them if they were n't his .
27 almost servant type you know , he tied himself to you and you feel he could n't do you enough for you
28 She might have known he would n't let it go so easily .
29 Twice , she opened her mouth to yell Pascoe 's name , but reasoned that to call him would n't bring him any faster , and might well distract him .
30 But when my mother died he could n't handle it here any more .
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