Example sentences of "[verb] he [adv] [verb] [det] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In winter when she entertained she would send him outside to chop more wood for their open fire .
2 We may find ourselves disagreeing with other people on the basis of sampling ; one man may claim that a shirt he bought from a well-known manufacturer wore out in no time at all , whereas his friend says he always buys this make because they wear so well .
3 But when Grandma died he just lost all interest in the garden , and since no one had the time to take it on , it became neglected .
4 ‘ I bet he never said such rubbish . ’
5 He was very interested in discovering whether the tattoo would grow as he grew and he thought he already detected some enlargement .
6 He , it , it is , he gets on very well with her , I mean he only sees each other
7 Nor did he ever measure more energy in the bangs and heat than he put in from the electricity supply .
8 Did he ever use any violence on the child towards the child ?
9 Now , now you were saying before your father er was unemployed quite a lot of the time during your childhood erm did he actually get any Unemployment Benefit while he was on the dole ?
10 ‘ I 'm expecting something from an old friend and I just remembered he only has this address for me . ’
11 You 'd sent him upstairs to make some sort of excuse to Nicky Kai ?
12 Had he really chosen this pain as the way to spend his last minutes ?
13 Perhaps he had been stupid , but had he actually done any damage ?
14 On one occasion a New Bradwell man , having been unsuccessful in boarding the first two ‘ buses to Bradwell at lunch time , expostulated ‘ I 'll get a seat on the next one even if I have to stand up ’ needless to say he never lived that statement down .
15 Does he still have that orange Pac-a-Mac ?
16 Does he still take that view ?
17 How on earth does he now reconcile that statement with the fact that he has ignored submissions from wherever they may have come , be it consultants or pensioners , GPs or the disabled , the elected district or regional councillors or Members of Parliament ?
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