Example sentences of "[verb] in the [noun sg] of [prep] " in BNC.

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1 As stated elsewhere in this book , a national opinion poll conducted by Southampton University and published on its ‘ Is Anyone There ? ’ programme on Halloween 1987 , showed that nine out of ten people in Britain believed in the reality of at least one psychic phenomenon .
2 Ring contraction also occurs in the reaction of with with the loss , in this case , of just one SN unit .
3 John what can you do in the face of of such distrust ?
4 The alternative splicing of tenascin mRNA may well result in the expression of at least 8 tenascin isoforms .
5 Based on results from the present investigation and those described by others ( 11,29–32 ) it appears that alternative splicing of tenascin mRNA may result in the expression of at least 8 variants of tenascin ( Fig. 7 ) .
6 erm , you know in the sense of regarding the country as home
7 Yeah but I thought in the case of like Petula Clark and Lulu it was because they won it that got them into the scene sort of thing .
8 Now the purpose of relying on a rights- based argument is frequently to claim an entitlement to act irrespective of the consequences for others , and so if the idea of rights is to be coherent we must accept that a freedom to act in the face of at least some adverse social outcomes is entailed .
9 I think just to conclude the the engine of growth argument , erm , has obviously been raised in relation to other new settlements , notably Cambridge and and this has been referred to already , erm the situation in Cambridge is different to York in in that the level of growth that 's that 's anticipated for that city is is is significantly higher , and the new settlement erm proposals there have been considered in in that regard and and just for the record C P R E have supported the the new settlement in that particular location , but it does seem to me that the returning to your basic point , that that erm if one applies those circumstances in Nor North Yorkshire it does fly in the face of of established policy in the structure plan , and the overriding er policy is is one of restraint in what is is considered to be one of the country 's most sensitive environmental areas , thank you .
10 So as you get older , your potential to earn increases Now in this case , because age is increasing and income is increasing , I E they 're getting bigger together , it 's said that there 's a positive correlation In the case of reaction time and intelligence quotient , as reaction time gets bigger I E gets worse I Q increases , so in fact many people would say that their in I Q and R T are negatively correlated in the sense of as your I Q gets better , your reaction time gets worse .
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