Example sentences of "[verb] in [art] long [noun] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 Aggie drew in a long breath and glanced at the child before answering Ben .
2 Their horses were fresher , and gradually closed on Sharpe who , to spare the mare 's strength , tried to avoid the worst hills , but he eventually found himself trapped in a long valley and was forced to put the mare at a steep grass slope which led to a bare skyline .
3 As to GATT , a trade war between America and Europe would be bad for people 's stand of living in the long run but it would n't have much direct effect on Courtaulds .
4 This is the highest quality educational package I have seen in a long time and is well worth registering .
5 I said I would drive into the country , lie in the long grass and watch the sun go down until it was quite dark .
6 I think the R A F would would clearly be interested in in keeping in touch with what 's going on there , of course the states themselves er the picture is not entirely clear er about er what kind of types are going to emerge in the longer term but we would certainly wish to keep a a close view on what was going on and of course there is a Navy dimension to the harrier replacement as well .
7 She glanced in the long mirror and , apparently satisfied , opened an oak chest and took out a drab fustian cloak of the type customarily worn by maidservants of the lower order , the which she had borrowed earlier from the servants ' quarters on a pretext .
8 The sun , making a guest appearance between frowning petrol-blue clouds , floodlit the dog daisies and hogweed in the long grass and turned the pitch a stinging viridian .
9 Coffee will be served in the long drawing-room and , if you are to battle with me , may I remind you that it is to be in private .
10 And his own man in the Washington Field Office , the CI-3 team , and putting in the longest hours and never a word of complaint , and that had won him the job in the Attaché 's office in Rome .
11 If the hall is too narrow for this and many entrance ways are barely more than a corridor , try to get in a long bench or a very narrow console , or at the very least a stool and a shelf .
12 One of the things that some chaps found amusing when they went to the " heads " ( the head is what the Navy calls the loo ) , you sat in a long row and a great flush of water ran right through a row of 20 or 30 .
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