Example sentences of "[verb] be [vb pp] of [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 That that that is a just criticism and it has been made of immunological treatment .
2 Mention has been made of direct labour and of how such organisations have reduced the number of trainees by about 40 per cent .
3 Not much has been made of this migration , some ethnic tension apart , and even less of the fact that in the years since the second world war it has been essential for western European economic life .
4 I agree entirely with my hon. Friend , and so does every independent study and assessment that has been made of this matter .
5 Comparison stars are σ ( 4.9 ) , τ ( 5.1 ) and when a minimum occurs , K ( 6.0 ) ; τ has been suspected of slight variability .
6 Beta is a fine orange star of spectral type M , beautiful in binoculars ; it has been suspected of slight variability .
7 It is easy to find , because it is usually visible with the naked eye at about magnitude 5 , and is in the same binocular field with Beta ; to either side of it are Tau ( 5.1 ) and Sigma ( 4.9 ) , which act as good comparisons , though Tau is of type K and has been suspected of slight variability .
8 Either there has been a real fading , or ( more probably ) there has been an error in recording or interpretation , though it is true that Megrez has been suspected of slight variability in modern times .
9 This particular bonfire has been constructed of industrial waste and in consequence we are unable to ascertain precisely what is inside the bonfire .
10 Concrete sleepers and 60-foot rails have been placed constituting several track panels , while the original platform at Swithland has been cleared of much undergrowth , with more sleepers placed in position .
11 THE All England Club has been cleared of unfair trading practices over the sale of Wimbledon tickets .
12 Chancellor Norman Lamont has been stripped of all credibility here and abroad .
13 Once a self- sufficient farmer , Ahmed Mahlim , 53 , has been stripped of all dignity .
14 Somehow on this rich , fertile island , a centrepiece has been contrived of dull concrete .
15 First one , er relates to the point made by the Barton Willmore representative , that no account has been taken of additional land that would be needed er for the settlement , for shops , er community facilities , and other infrastructure , er and of course that land is not available , well in fact the opposite is the case if the new settlement is not provided , because the infrastructure is available within York city , and the York city document er A eight double O nine , paragraph six , makes it very clear that the city is capable of accommodating the needs within its city boundaries where that fr infrastructure is available , er to that extent there is a further argument against the settlement , and that is that the settlement would be duplicating the provision of resources outside of the city , where those resources can actually accommodate it within the city .
16 It is sometimes argued that certain subjects are better vehicles for a liberal education than others , because they are concerned with the human rather than merely the natural , or are reflexive rather than merely instrumental ; hence the term ‘ liberal ’ has been most often associated with the arts , and in this century social sciences , though it has been used of some science courses as well ( e.g. ‘ Liberal Studies in Science ’ ) .
17 If the right hon. Gentleman took the measure which has been suggested of restoring indictability to the offence of taking and driving away , would not the courts be left with a wide range of penalties ?
18 Perhaps part of the problem is that far too much has been expected of positivist criminology or , alternatively , positivist criminologists have been responsible for fostering too grandiose expectations .
19 Libya has been accused of international terrorism and was accused of supplying weapons to the IRA to help them with their terrorist campaigns here in the UK .
20 The British banana company , Geest , has been accused of illegal felling of areas of rainforest in north-east Costa Rica , next to the Tortuguero National Park .
21 Little direct evidence has been found of systematic organisation in the eighteenth century , a period in which trade and benefit clubs among other working men in Britain abounded .
22 The first was some eight years ago when he 'd been accused of shoddy workmanship on a car which had been involved in a crash two days after he 'd MOTed it .
23 EVEN Gary Cooper in the classic film duel in High Noon would have been a'feared of gun-toting grannie June Greaves .
24 John Vento became the third white to be sentenced in connection with the Bensonhurst attack , having been convicted of unlawful imprisonment and menacing behaviour , on July 3 , and was on Aug. 14 imprisoned for between 2@2/3 and 8 years .
25 Their lives are dominated by three main concepts — the male ego whose nurturing , preserving and boosting is considered of vital importance ; a sense of hierarchy which is considered synonymous with the existence of the family ; and finally the closeness of relationships — the bonds which provide consolation .
26 Normally used as a storeroom-cum-gallery , it had been cleared of extraneous clutter .
27 Nofziger , who had headed the White House Office of Political Affairs in 1981-82 , had been convicted of illegal lobbying for the Wedtech Corp. within a year of leaving office , fined $30,000 and sentenced to 90 days in prison [ see p. 36018 ] .
28 At last year 's Chelsea Flower Show , an RHS gold medal was awarded to a display including wild plants whose exhibitor had been convicted of illegal import of wild orchids .
29 Tass said Gazprom 's foreign customers had been warned of possible supply disruptions after Thursday .
30 Held , allowing the appeal and granting the applications , that since on an application for the grant of leave under section 8 no question with regard to a child 's upbringing was determined , and since section 10(9) stipulated particular matters , including parental wishes , to which the court was to have regard on such an application , section 1(1) did not apply so as to make the children 's welfare the paramount consideration on an application for leave to apply for a residence order made by a person other than the child concerned ; and that , accordingly , the judge had applied the wrong test ; that as a result of his failure to require that the mother be notified of the application the judge had been deprived of additional material necessary to the proper exercise of his discretion ; and that in the exercise of a fresh discretion , having regard to the new evidence and to the circumstances of the case , the foster mother 's application for leave would be refused ( post , pp. 428G — 429F , 430F , 431C–E ) .
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