Example sentences of "[verb] be [vb pp] and [verb] for " in BNC.

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1 My own copy has been printed and reduced for reference .
2 Although strictly speaking the company is responsible for the cost of materials immediately the order is placed , the normal procedure is for costing to be delayed until the invoice has been checked and approved for payment .
3 ‘ The defence does not arise on a plea of autrefois convict , but on the well-established rule at common law , that where a person has been convicted and punished for an offence by a court of competent jurisdiction , transit in rem judicatam , that is , the conviction shall be a bar to all further proceedings for the same offence , and he shall not be punished again for the same matter ; otherwise there might be two different punishments for the same offence .
4 A bus has been booked and paid for .
5 The chateau 's Council chamber has been transported and reconstructed for the exhibition , having been restored by the Reunion des Musées Nationaux courtesy of a $200,000 donation from Memphis .
6 The firm says it has been adapted and tested for the MTOS , VRTX , VMEexec and other real-time operating systems .
7 George : ‘ You would n't have been born and writing for THE FACE if it was n't for someone spunking off . ’
8 The achievements of the Dorset industry , which must have been under very astute management , were due to the presence of Poole Harbour , where the pottery must have been crated and shipped for its journey on the western route with its useful points of entry , the Bristol Channel , the Dee and Mersey , the Solway Firth and the Clyde .
9 In those early days Bain worked out that the 23 houses most under threat could have been rescued and restored for £240,000 .
10 This scheme , which was the first which opened up the riverside in Leeds , an area which up to this time had been ignored and declining for 100 years , led the way for the mass of development which has since followed .
11 Put another way , she had been plucked and prepared for meetings like this as carefully as a goose is dressed for the oven .
12 Although the quietness of his end was made memorable by Reith 's BBC announcement that ‘ the King 's life is moving peacefully towards its close ’ , there had been no long-term illness during which an early change of reign had been accepted and prepared for .
13 Behind him in the bathroom stood a chipped old tub slowly filling with water that was the colour of weak tea ; the bathroom walls had been replastered and roughened for tiling , but they did n't have any tiles .
14 Former Prime Minister Sadiq al-Mahdi had been detained and interrogated for three days .
15 The room had been vandalized — viciously so ; but it was equally apparent that it had been furnished and cared for at a level totally different from the other rooms .
16 Storms had wrecked the Spanish fleet on the shores of West Ireland , and the refugees had been welcomed and cared for by the Irish people .
17 There was a similar reaction after several bodies went missing from Britain 's biggest cemetery in Surrey in April 1988 , even after a man had been arrested and charged for decapitating a disinterred corpse .
18 Ironically , it was at this time that Ezra Pound , who had been arrested and imprisoned for treason , was examined by four prominent psychologists and judged to be insane .
19 A man had shot a woman , buried her body in the sands , had been caught and hung for his crime .
20 Alfred 's shop looked as though it had been closed and deserted for months ; it was hard to believe that it was only three days since a few people , at least , had been entering through the rickety door with its small glass panes to buy patent medicines or seek advice .
21 Traces of what had been dreamed and hoped for remained ; fragments of poems to Union , written by men whose names had been systematically removed from all record .
22 Some time previously and after a wait of five years my name had been proposed and seconded for membership , but when my proposer heard that two members were of a mind to blackball me in the ballot , he ( without telling me ) withdrew my candidature .
23 Beckford was as impatient as Vathek to complete his building , but did not have a magical assistant ; the tower twice collapsed , for the last time in 1825 , and Beckford 's contractor confessed upon his death-bed that he had not provided it with foundations , although they had been specified and paid for .
24 As Julia began to work the room , she realised that the house had been designed and built for just this sort of occasion : it was planned for servants to run .
25 Great as his victory had been , London was not quite ready for a twenty-foot high anatomically accurate Achilles , especially as the statue had been commissioned and paid for by the grateful women of England .
26 Anne realised that the younger , prettier members of both sexes had been bought and paid for .
27 Many temples , caves , burial chambers and ‘ vision pits ’ have been constructed and used for this purpose .
28 A number of foreign businessmen have been kidnapped and held for ransom in Manila .
29 It is usual to follow patients who have been diagnosed and treated for syphilis for a period of two years to make sure that the treatment is effective and that relapse does not occur .
30 Most of the money is owed by people whose homes have been repossessed and sold for less than their outstanding mortgage .
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