Example sentences of "[verb] be [adj] [verb] up [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Even in the ‘ settled ’ areas , where the US and the United Nations Fund for Drug Abuse Control ( UNFDAC ) have been active , efforts to eradicate opium by crop substitution have run into trouble for one simple reason : in 30 years , no one has been able to come up with a product as lucrative and easy to market as opium .
2 To date , no one has been able to come up with a satisfactory explanation .
3 In the five months of the review Mr Heseltine has been unable to come up with , as Labour pointed out , a single extra tonne of coal in terms of orders .
4 Her early education had been poor because of the misconception amongst her teachers that language ability and intelligence were somehow different facts of a single concept , and it was only in later life , with the help of her husband , that she 'd been able to make up on the intellectual deprivation of those early years .
5 I 'd got the riding gear from Duncan , but he 'd been unable to come up with a red helmet with black visor .
6 Without this slow agricultural revolution , which still had a long way to go in many European countries in 1880 , food production would not have been able to keep up with population growth .
7 I mean , when we was in opposition , if er , if we had a Westminster crisis in Lincolnshire and it suddenly kicked all the conservatives off , we would have been able to come up with an alternative budget to manage this county .
8 ‘ Making ten films is truly boring , ’ he says ‘ If I had worked continuously with the same cameraman , I would n't have been able to get up in the morning .
9 We could have been 20 points up in the opening 10 minutes , but they had the pace and the organisation to shut us out .
10 I like the beds changed often , which I find is hard to keep up with , because of drying the washing .
11 They can be laid to direct or contain flow or to form a dam , the pooling so caused being easier to pick up by wet vacuum than widespread water films .
12 That is why we must oppose anti-porn forces in whatever guise they appear ; which means being prepared to face up to pornography , to understand why we like it and why we find that so shameful .
13 This striding away would not have mattered if the Padre had been able to keep up with him … but the Padre could not move unaided .
14 Well , it was the best he had been able to come up with and , if it was not sufficient , he could not think what else he could do .
15 Zen decided to give him the only answer he had been able to come up with .
16 Because she had been reluctant to meet up with Celeste again , she had sat in a public stand a long way away from the private seating , the grid , the pits , but now she raced back towards them .
17 First of all we need to get Hunlet off the pitch , as I 'm not in Leeds I 've been unable to keep up with this debate but at last sats Crewe game it looked terrible !
18 First of all we need to get Hunlet off the pitch , as I 'm not in Leeds I 've been unable to keep up with this debate but at last sats Crewe game it looked terrible !
19 So our belief is that erm with the relationship we 've been able to build up in this city , with confrontation and community participation , with the targeting of the small resources that we do have , as a council in collaboration with the other , the resources of the other bodies , that we can in fact do something .
20 Yet those committed to change in communication structures have been slow to link up with these and other movements .
21 I think with myself , what I have been able to come up with is being very normal , and everyday people find you easy to relate to and not a threat to them .
22 Very anxious to promote the Wales in Europe scheme because it 's been very important to us , including the links that er we have been able to build up with other regions of Europe in Catalonia , , Lombardy and Battenberkaburg above all er which our our sort of strong erm er neighbours which can teach us a lot about industry and these are the areas that we will want to link up with by having this extra seat in the European parliament , er and obviously I mean there are sorts of areas where we have some sympathy with the occasional point that is made by the anti-Europe speakers on the other side .
23 When I retired four years ago , I decided I would like to help and encourage other people to paint , and hopefully get as much pleasure form the hobby as I do , and since that time I have been able to meet up with groups of friends and pass on to them the knowledge I have gained through the pages of your magazine .
24 In the past , fisheries have been able to start up without adequate information about either the target stock or its role in ocean ecology .
25 The only figure that they have been prepared to come up with is bad enough — the initial cost of all the preparatory work involved in making drawings , hiring expensive barristers to put the Bill through the House , and so on .
26 Meetings between the Prime Minister ; Chris Patten , the Secretary of State for the Environment ; and Nigel Lawson , Chancellor of the Exchequer , have been unable to come up with an agreed solution to put to today 's Cabinet .
27 There 's no hurry for that now that the money 's been cut back , Mr Silver can go on economising on space and heat and lighting for his twelve women workers for a good few years yet , and in any case , no-one 's been round to check up on him for a long time now .
28 HP would know something about the exercise since it 's trying to do the same thing and the best it 's been able to come up with is the diskless 16Mb 715/33 for $5,700 or 525Mb 715/33 for $7,400 .
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