Example sentences of "[verb] be [verb] [conj] i [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Er Chairman this , this matter has caused great concern in Bungay I can tell you , I went to the Bungay town meeting last night and they were absolutely horrified at the way this has been handled and I have to apologize on behalf of the , of the County Council .
2 I was delighted with the fact that the southwest of Scotland has been highlighted as I think that it is one of the most underrated parts of Scotland where golf is concerned .
3 Er and seek good qualified er Consultants to carry out the work which could be deliberated on by the various Committees of the County Council and the District and that work has been done and I think if I saw anything Chairman from the meeting on the twenty second of December at St Albans , it was that form very first time three political parties took up the policy and they started to address particular issues er er er we believe less measures partaken .
4 The people are very tolerant and it has been overheard that I speak better Portuguese than I do English .
5 I 'm afraid this letter has been delayed as I have n't had a chance to get it to the Embassy before today .
6 PS : Things are not too good at home — your Mother is well , but the house has been repossessed after I lost my job .
7 ‘ I have given 100pc but my play has been affected because I have not been mentally happy . ’
8 Just one suggestion worth mentioning erm one of those the er one on employment industry and commerce has now been printed and has been distributed and I hope that all members have now received .
9 After the original hearing Jones said : ‘ The decision has been taken and I want to get it over with .
10 It has become apparent on some of the issues , some of the comments that we made that was if I could call it the you 'll know what we 're talking about and I do n't if we are talking about the there was there was a point somewhere where talked about ing an increase or short of journey time along the ring road and this has been taken as I understand to be that we are setting out an increase of speed er traffic on the sections of road to a junction and that 's totally in force and it was either .
11 The crossrail Bill has been introduced and I have no doubt that it will be taken forward with all proper expedition .
12 We have a different role , but nevertheless and even , an important one is perhaps in even looking further ahead than the Emergency Planning and therefore I would support er in being brief I would support very much erm Mr 's er motion if you can call it a motion which has been seconded and I hope that other members will will agree that erm we can pass this on to the Chief Executive who obviously will be doing this in any case , but it would give er a a an added er measure if you like er I 'm talking in terms of member involvement in pressing for er a wider look of what has happened after this sad flood has been dealt with .
13 Anyway it 's nice to know that no time has been wasted though I do n't imagine there will be much energy left for the Finer Things .
14 ‘ My ability to concentrate is limited and I have to avoid stressful situations , which is why , for example , I have not given media interviews .
15 Reverend thought oh yes he 'd be very very glad of you , so he said I 'd be prepared to visit the sick , I 'd do anything like that and he did in fact start doing some visiting , and among other people that he called upon was a person living in Road , not very far really from where I 'd been born and I knew the area well .
16 Nobody wanted to be cruel enough to hurt me because they thought I was so vulnerable at that time and I really wish I 'd been told that I looked disgusting !
17 My first suspicion that these chaps were not what they seemed was aroused as I listened .
18 All I could do was to mumble that I regretted not taking my degree , and , though I could see it was irritating of me to whine , to feel stale and bored was not such a trivial thing ; that though we might have the vote now , meals still had to be prepared and children looked after and since this kind of drudgery was despised by society as not being ‘ real work ’ , we were in the hideous position of being both exhausted and imprisoned by it and also looked down on for doing it ; that I had honestly tried to be the sort of wife Richard wanted — and the sort of wife I felt I ought to be — but it was like being in a kind of airless cell and I could only see Richard as a jailer ; that I saw myself becoming progressively more and more incapable of doing anything , not just mentally , but from some kind of paralysis of will .
19 ‘ I do n't like being reminded that I have not one drop of blood to link me with my family . ’
20 I 'm trying to avoid being noticed if I overeat .
21 The sniping was increasing and I had to move away to help guard some German prisoners we had collected in the action .
22 No , it might not have been counting when I think of it , cos it 'd be one guide coming out .
23 Unless I mean this hedgehog could have been done if I left it could n't it ?
24 My practical mastery had made me acutely aware of the boundaries which separate those inside the institution from those excluded from the specialist knowledge of ‘ doing the business ’ and I was more than ever aware of the suspicions which would have been aroused if I had introduced questions of an academic nature , or had distributed questionnaires .
25 I do n't know whether any young people would have been watching because I do n't know
26 Well , well I think I would , I would rath it I mean i it they 've got the responsibility to whistle blow now , you know , professional they 've got , er you know , they 're they these are professionals and they should , they should whistle blow and I mean Maxwell is a perfect example of how nobody , nobody blew the whistle and if you read through the writs , those lots of these people knew what were what was happening an and the whistle should have been blown and I see no reason why the why the pension regulator is going to get any different , different response and also I mean really these people are being in many cases given by th given information by their clients , you know , and I think it 's a very difficult situation to turn round to , to somebody like Mr Maxwell and say well look I 'm terribly sorry Mr Maxwell , we 're going to report you to the pensions regulator , you know and I think that , that er you will just find that that I just do n't feel that the pension regulator in , in that respect , I mean I , I think that I might like to if Peter suggested a pension fraud squad that , that had a open telephone line and the same sort of er powers as the Serious Fraud Office you know , so that if er anybody in a pension fund could , could ring a number and er and people absolutely descended th that , I mean they ge they say somewhere in the report that the pension regulator is going to have er powers and monies to do spot checks .
27 It may have been noted that I placed sexual offences against children among cases which may have effect .
28 Er a a and with a family row in in it as well you can imagine the work involved was a bit more than initially might have been expected and I got criticized because the bill was bigger than I had first estimated cos I did n't expect there 'd be trouble from the father .
29 I had to go upstairs and take the uniform off to brush it , as otherwise it would have been deduced that I had sat in the chair of a gentleman .
30 That 's what I 'd have been doing if I had been there so you 're not so different from me Peter , so you might have , you might be different in other ways John , but I 've got that weakness as well .
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