Example sentences of "[verb] be [verb] [pron] for [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Now a perfectly good internal sprinkler system has been developed which for £500,000 could be fitted to an aircraft and would put fires out within 10 seconds .
2 ‘ That bloody bird has been annoying me for days . ’
3 He labours scornfully for this Simon Giles , faintly comforted by a corner in Classical studies which has been granted him for reasons to do with the firm 's image .
4 The real enthusiast has been doing it for years .
5 Richard Long has been doing it for years in his site-related stone works — three of which , based on materials gathered in the states of New York and New Jersey — can be seen until 13 March at 65 Thompson St. And surely there is a kind of nostalgie de la boue in the drawings he makes using ordinary mud as the medium .
6 Old body disposer Pugh 's nephew Duncan has been begging me for months to let him play and things have got so desperate I have no choice but to take him on .
7 John suggests £10 — £15 has been allowed me for costumes . ’
8 They were soon strolling with me round the house as if they 'd been expecting me for weeks .
9 She deserved it , she 'd been tormenting me for weeks , calling me Comic Stripper because I told better jokes than she did .
10 Eventually it was he who told her mother when she was about eight months pregnant : " We 'd been planning it for ages to tell them but we had n't had the nerve to get round to it .
11 The least we can do is dress you for effect .
12 He must have been saving it for months .
13 Undertaken sensitively and carefully by an experienced operator in controlled circumstances , regression therapy should be a beneficial and restorative experience for the subject , enabling him to be rid of a serious problem that may have been troubling him for years and indeed possibly ruining his life .
14 ‘ What I mean is do you for instance know the three-times table ? ’
15 Then came news of more freebies , rumours of worse stories to come , and Tory ministers and MPs realised what some had been telling them for weeks .
16 Claudia wanted to laugh out loud — that was what she had been telling him for days , but under the joy she was aware of fear making itself known .
17 ROSS STRUDWICK had been telling us for weeks : the London Crusaders can become big-time .
18 ‘ I found as the charred remains came to light that one of their employees , who had left the firm last year , had been embezzling them for years and had set fire to the premises so that no trace could be found of his dirty work .
19 Oh , but this is the Niersteiner , the last bottle , and it would n't go very well with beef ’ He had been saving it for Sophia 's birthday .
20 The Achilles ' tendon which had been bothering him for weeks finally gave out amid a sympathetic cheer and a great forward ambled to the sideline and out of the match with an hour gone .
21 Well the ordinary private hire , there 's so many of them , I mean his dad had been doing it for years but there 's so many started up .
22 Last night , she had taken one of the wolfdogs that had been following her for weeks .
23 Christine had been planning hers for weeks .
24 If the BBC had been planning it for years , it could not have had more authority ’ .
25 She had been planning it for months now , and it was vitally important .
26 Dmitri had been checking it for misprints and left it to get messed up like this .
27 Rain met people who had been avoiding her for months and others she had been dodging .
28 There were mill-owners in Bradford and Leeds who had been begging her for years to leave Old Ashfield and go to live with them in their fine houses .
29 We 've been watching them for weeks . ’
30 ‘ I 've been ringing you for days .
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